
Hamblin to be Chief of Pulaski County's First Unified Fire and Rescue Department

Brandon Hamblin will be Pulaski County's first career fire chief to oversee the newly established county fire department.

As part of a multi-faceted plan to provide increased support and resources to the county's volunteer fire departments, the 2024-25 county budget allocated funds to hire the first chief, two additional full-time firefighters necessary to augment existing staff necessary to establish a fully operational department to help provide fire relief coverage during days and times of the week when the community is experiencing challenges with a demand response higher, according to the county press release.

The decision to create a paid fire and rescue department and hire a chief to oversee it came from a recommendation by the county’s change agent, Chris Gannon, who was tasked with developing and helping implement an action plan based on recommendations received from two independent studies completed in 2022 and conducted by the state Department of Fire Programs and consultant Gannon Emergency Solutions.

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“The Board of Supervisors continues to prioritize implementing the recommendations from our two comprehensive studies that addressed gaps in our fire rescue response, and hiring a fire chief to lead our newly created fire department is another step toward making that our priority,” said Laura Walters, Board Chair. “We are confident that Chief Hamblin’s knowledge, experience and community focus in this role will help the County quickly and effectively stabilize, evolve and expand our fire rescue response.”


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Hamblin said, “My vision is consistent with the county’s vision of not having two separate departments, one paid and one volunteer, but having one unified department where career staff support volunteers and volunteers support paid staff, all with the goal of meeting the fire rescue needs of the citizens of Pulaski County.”

Hamblin has served the City of Pulaski Fire Department in various capacities since 2005 as a firefighter, fire lieutenant, EMT, training officer and captain. He previously served as deputy county emergency services coordinator and wildland firefighter for the Virginia Department of Forestry.

Pulaski County Fire and Rescue will also administer fire prevention programs and community education activities. The dedicated funding also includes direct financial support to enhance the volunteer system and allow volunteer firefighters to receive necessary training, equipment and technical support, according to the release.

The funding will also include a response allowance paid directly to volunteers to help offset expenses associated with their volunteer response. This new benefit is being used in hopes of strengthening volunteer recruitment and retention, as these essential personnel are and will continue to be a vital and necessary part of the county’s first response to emergencies.

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