
Hades 2's second patch is here, and it revamps the five main weapons – while also giving Charon the ability to stop time.

Well, the second patch for Hades 2 is here, and it's pretty damn strong. What’s on the menu, you ask? Well, a rework of all of Melinoë's nocturnal arms, a lot of changes to what Daedalus Hammers do, and a few other changes that are also very interesting.

Overall, Supergiant has followed the patch 1 revisions a lot when it comes to sprinting and resource gathering, and I hope that – alongside other adjustments coming soon – this will help shape the game into exactly the kind of experience sought by the community.

“Among the improvements in this patch, look for many new UI icons as well as weapon-related balance changes aimed at improving the main combat and associated choices,” the studio wrote in the patch two notes. “Your voluntary feedback and gameplay data helps inspire our changes, so thanks for playing! Stay tuned for updates from Boon in our next patch.”

The biggest changes right now are to Melinoë's five main weapons. They are easier to express in list form, so here it is:

  • Witch's staff: Special pushes enemies away, but is slightly slower; Omega Special is faster
  • Sister blades: Special staggers standard enemies longer; Attack visual effects better match the hitbox
  • Umbral Flames: Attacks are stronger and faster; Omega Attack channels faster and uses less magic; Special gives a speed increase, but has reduced damage; Omega Special can be channeled while moving
  • Moonstone Axe: Reworked Special provides a persistent barrier; Omega Attack channels are slightly faster; Faster Omega Special chains
  • Silver Skull: Omega Attack channels faster and hits a larger area

Many aspects of these five armaments have also been reorganized. Aside from this, the effects of the game's Daedalus Hammers have been completely overhauled, with a number of existing effects having been removed from the game entirely and replaced with new ones.

There are also some tweaks to enemies, including some guardians, with a certain boss who I won't name for spoiler reasons having been made less likely to be “blatantly unfair”. Perhaps my favorite change, aside from “you're now likely to find an additional perk or other major reward while in Erebus”, is this: “All timers now stop in presence of Charon. Yes, Chronos cowers before the mumbling merchant. You like to see it.

If you're still wondering whether you should jump into Hades 2 while it's in its Early Access phase, check out our thoughts on this conundrum here.

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