
Guttenberg: European Army Needs Weapons of Mass Destruction

“WWe need European and German armed forces which, integrated into NATO— are able to effectively defend themselves against external attacks or to deter them from the outset. In case of doubt, even without the [United States]”, former German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg told the Catholic magazine Herder Correspondence in an interview for its July issue.

When asked what level of rearmament was needed, Guttenberg said:: “This would deter a potential aggressor from taking military action in advance, as it would otherwise have to fear military defeat.” To achieve this goal, Europe needs, in addition to “conventional equipment for air, sea and land”, “first-rate cyber capabilities, state-of-the-art missile shields, a space presence and – unfortunately – also sufficient nuclear deterrence potential.”

AI and biological weapons

The topic of militarization is often brought up in Guttenberg’s podcast with left-wing politician Gregor Gysi. Their May 29 podcast asked the question: “Do we need to prepare for war?” In their June 5 podcast, they discussed the military ramifications of new technologies.

Guttenberg noted that artificial intelligence may allow machines to “ultimately have control over who they eliminate. … I find that highly questionable.” [Y]”Of course, one could say that this could also reduce the human error rate to some extent. But the idea of ​​sending a drone that would act on its own and, with further development, could even become uncontrollable is an emerging horror scenario.”

Could AI reduce “human error” in wars, or will it spiral out of control? Given the speed of development and the ongoing arms race, we can be sure that today’s leaders will find plenty of excuses to deploy AI in an increasing number of military applications. Many of these developments will, of course, be done behind the scenes.

Guttenberg also discussed the implications of AI-engineered chemical and biological weapons, noting that a malign state could use AI to create “an incurable virus, which could be used in a war scenario.” It would then be “a race for speed, because it’s something that will probably happen in minutes until something like this is built. Then, of course, it still has to be implemented. But even there, the possibilities are limitless,” he said.

Guttenberg has proposed regulations to prevent such unimaginable horror scenarios. But these regulations will not prevent research into such weapons.

Germany was the first to use biological weapons during World War I. I and conducted the most advanced research in the field during World War I I—even though the 1925 Hague Convention prohibited the use of such weapons on the battlefield.

Most people agree that the only reason these destructive weapons are not generally used is the fear of mutually assured destruction. However, advances in AI are challenging this concept, as Trumpet Editor-in-chief Gerald Flurry noted in “AI and the End of ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’”

As the European Union and Germany pursue nuclear weapons, we must keep in mind Germany’s capacity to develop other destructive weapons. Germany is home to the world’s largest chemical company and the second and third largest producers of pesticides. Through international cooperation, it also has a wealth of physical data on populations living in potentially hostile countries. Germany has the capacity to inflict terrible damage – it only needs a leader to give the orders.

Why watch Germany

Of course, any country that develops such weapons poses a danger to our world. But Germany's history – and biblical prophecies – require us to keep a close eye on it.

In His Olivet Prophecy, Jesus Christ warned of the coming great tribulation. While our world and even most religious people ignore it, the Bible warns us that total iniquity is leading our world into great calamity. The Bible shows that God not only allows these events, but He is also very much involved in the measure of correction. Isaiah 10 shows that He will use Assyria, modern Germany, to punish a hypocritical nation—referring to Israel (primarily the United States, Great Britain, and the Jewish nation of the Middle East).

Revelation 6 gives us a glimpse of the terrible suffering that awaits us. “And there went out another horse that was red; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another. And there was given to him a great sword” (verse 4).

“Sword is the word used in the Bible for military equipment,” the late Herbert W. Armstrong explained in a 1980 article. The world of tomorrow television program. “It's a 'big' program. What about the hydrogen bomb, nerve gas, chemical warfare, all these things that can absolutely wipe out human beings on this Earth?” (For more information, request a free copy of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.)

The Bible reveals that weapons of mass destruction are about to be used. Humanity has no hope of preventing it. But we can thank God that He will not only ensure humanity's survival, but also use the coming horrors to teach humanity to turn away from war and toward His way of peace.

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