
GRETA carries out its third evaluation visit to Ukraine

A delegation from the Council of Europe Expert Group on Combating Human Trafficking (GRETA) carried out a evaluation visit to Ukraine from May 21 to 23, 2024, as part of the third evaluation cycle of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. This round of evaluation of the Convention focuses on victims of trafficking's access to justice and effective remedies. Before the visit, the Ukrainian authorities responded to the GRETA questionnaire for the third evaluation round.

The visit provided an opportunity to assess the progress made in Ukraine's implementation of the Convention since the second GRETA report, published in 2018. The third GRETA evaluation visit to Ukraine was initially planned for 2022, but had to be postponed due to the scale of the visit. a full-scale invasion by Russia.

The visit was carried out by Mr Sergey Ghazinyan, Second Vice-President of GRETA, and Ms Tatiana Catana, member of GRETA, accompanied by Ms Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Convention.

Following the visit, GRETA will prepare a draft report, which will be sent to the national authorities for comments. GRETA will then adopt a final report which will be published in 2025.

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GRETA and Ukraine

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