
Greek police arrest seven potential arsonists who set synagogue on fire

Greek counter-terrorism police have arrested seven people following arson attacks on an Israeli-owned hotel and a synagogue in central Athens this year, police said in a statement Thursday.

A 25-year-old Greek woman, two Iranians aged 46 and 36, and a 44-year-old Afghan accomplice were arrested over a May 15 attack with a homemade firebomb on a building housing an Israeli-owned hotel and restaurant.

The four men have been charged with arson likely to endanger human life and causing damage to property belonging to foreigners in a racially motivated attack.

On June 18, a 44-year-old Greek man and a 26-year-old Afghan man rode a motorcycle near a synagogue in Athens and threw flammable materials at the entrance, causing a fire, police said. A police official said a 30-year-old Iranian man was arrested as their accomplice.

The three men were charged with arson, firearm possession and theft, among other offenses, the official added.

A view of a burned synagogue in the town of Chania on the Greek island of Crete, January 25, 2010. Greek police have arrested two Britons, an American and a Greek in connection with two arson attacks on a synagogue on the island of Crete this month. (REUTERS/GEORGE PAPANIKOLAOU)

Police seized evidence including mobile phones found at an Athens residence and a prison.

Awaiting judgment

Five of those arrested were remanded in custody and two were released on conditions pending trial.

In March 2023, Greek police arrested two men suspected of being members of a group that planned an arson or bomb attack on an Israeli restaurant and the same synagogue in Athens.

Israeli intelligence service Mossad had praised Greece for foiling the attack, accusing Iran of orchestrating the operation.

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