
Governor DeSantis Blames Joe Biden's 'Weakness' on Russian Warships Near Florida

Governor. Ron DeSantis isn't holding back when it comes to sending Russian warships miles from the Sunshine State for military exercises with Cuba, even though the Pentagon says they pose “no threat.”

Governor of Florida told an audience in South Florida that Moscow's aggression was a direct result of the country's weakness. Joe Biden administration and that if he were “commander in chief” rather than simply governor, such provocation would not be “something we would allow to happen.”

“It starts at the top with the president of the United States,” DeSantis said Friday at Hollywood Fire Rescue Station 5.

“I think it's really concerning, I think under this administration they have adopted a posture that has invited our adversaries to more aggressive actions,” he added before highlighting the improvement in the strategic position of Russia in the Western Hemisphere in recent years (despite being able to even win a war against Ukraine on its border).

“Russia is not its first foray into the Western Hemisphere, obviously if you look at history,” DeSantis said, referring to the Cold War.

“But I think the level of activity between hostile nations in our own hemisphere is probably at a level that we haven't seen in many, many years. And if we look at how the governments of this hemisphere are constituted, most of them are unfortunately more aligned with the Russians and the Chinese than with the United States and the free world.

“And so I think that’s problematic.” I think history has shown that these bad actors respond to force and are deterred by force. They will not be deterred by weakness. They will not be deterred by confusion; they will not be deterred by a president wandering aimlessly at the G7,” DeSantis said, referring to a time when Biden appeared to be distancing himself from other world leaders before being rounded up by the Italian prime minister. Giorgia Meloni.

“They're going to be deterred because they know he's not someone you want to mess with. We are therefore failing as a country with a deterrent capability. And I think it starts at the top, with the President of the United States.

DeSantis offered varied comments on Russian leader Vladimir Poutine in the past, memorably calling the autocratic leader an “authoritarian gas station attendant with nuclear weapons inherited from the former Soviet Union.”

The governor also suggested that if foreign countries threatened the United States, he would eliminate the aggressor.

“If people were firing rockets from the Bahamas toward Fort Lauderdale, for example, we would never allow that. I mean, we would flatten them. In about five minutes we would flatten them,” he said in Eldridge, Iowa, in early December, during the final weeks of his failed presidential campaign.

However, no action will be taken to “flatten” the Russian fleet, which is far more imminent than the wild hypothesis of a Bahamas attack on South Florida.

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