
Gorman Area Fire Now 39% Contained at 15,611 Acres – Daily News

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Firefighters were gradually gaining the upper hand on the massive Post Fire in the Gorman area, north of Los Angeles, increasing containment to 39% Wednesday morning, June 19.

The fire was 15,611 acres, with weather conditions – temperatures in the low 70s and decreasing winds – expected to cooperate throughout the day.

As of late Tuesday afternoon, the fire was 31% contained, an improvement from the 24% contained earlier in the day.

The fire, which broke out Saturday, prompted the evacuation of 1,200 people from the Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recreation Area. Evacuation orders remained in effect there Wednesday, as well as at Pyramid Lake Campground and Oak Flats.

One commercial property was destroyed, while 10 others and 50 single-family residences were threatened, firefighters said.

Authorities are officially reporting one injury in the fire, although no details have been released.

Some 1,747 people were involved in firefighting efforts.

The cause of the fire was under investigation.

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