
Four Mississippi Sheriff's Departments Receive Litter Collection Trucks

ADAMS COUNTY, Miss. (WJTV) – On May 29, Commissioner Charles Busby of the Southern Transportation District presented trucks to the Adams, Amite, Lincoln and Pike County Sheriff's Departments to use in efforts to remove inmate waste.

Each of the county's sheriff's departments was issued a truck, for a total of four trucks transferred from the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT).

“We are proud to assist our law enforcement partners by providing them with the tools necessary to combat the litter problem,” Busby said. “These vehicles allow counties to make greater use of the inmate litter program and ultimately remove more trash from state highways. This program helps preserve the beauty of our state, enhance our state's image among travelers, and instill a sense of pride among inmates by contributing to community improvements.

According to MDOT, the Inmate Litter Program is a partnership between the agency and participating counties that aims to remove litter from state rights-of-way using inmate labor. Crews of inmates pick up trash on state-maintained road systems, under the supervision of a deputy. MDOT provides trash bags, safety vests, gloves and warning signs.

“MDOT spends $3 million every year to combat our state’s waste problem,” Busby said. “Everyone can do their part to preserve the beauty of our state and save taxpayer dollars by simply putting trash where it belongs.” »

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