
Four members of Britain's richest family on trial for human trafficking

Four members of the Hinduja family, Britain's richest, face charges in Switzerland linked to the treatment of their household staff.

The allegations include exploitation and human trafficking, with claims that Indian servants received low wages, worked long hours and had their passports confiscated.

The trial highlighted the stark contrast between the family's alleged expenses for their dog and the daily wages of their servants. The prosecution claims the Hindujas paid one member of staff just seven Swiss francs (around £6.19) for an 18-hour working day, while spending 8,584 francs (£7,616) a year on their pet dog.

Prosecutor Yves Bertossa highlighted this disparity in court, while the Hindujas' lawyers argued that salaries should be considered in the context of staff housing and food. They also disputed the allegation of long working hours, suggesting that activities like watching a movie with the children should not be considered work.

Some former servants testified in favor of the Hinduja family, describing them as friendly and worthy employers. However, the allegations of passport confiscation and restriction of freedom of movement are serious and could be considered human trafficking.

The case once again highlights the issue of mistreatment of domestic workers in Geneva, a city known for its international organizations and wealthy residents.

Previous incidents, such as the arrest of Hannibal Gaddafi in 2008 and a recent case involving domestic workers from the Philippines, have also drawn attention to this dark side of the city.

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