
Four American exchange academics allegedly stabbed in China

Four American university professors working in China were injured in a stabbing attack in a public park, according to their employer and the US State Department.

Four American university professors working in China were injured in a knife attack in a public park on Monday June 10, 2024. Photo: Weibo.

The four men were on a college exchange and working as instructors at Cornell College in Iowa, which said they were injured in a “serious incident.”

Iowa Congresswoman Ashley Hinson said on X that she was “horrified” that Cornell College faculty members were “brutally stabbed.”

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Gov. Kim Reynolds said he was “in contact with the Iowa federal delegation and the Department of State in response to this horrific attack.”

“Please pray for their full recovery, safe return and for their families here at home,” she added.

A spokesperson for the US State Department said it was “aware of reports of a stabbing incident in Jilin, People's Republic of China.”

The incident reportedly occurred on Monday.

Jilin provincial authorities have not commented on the attack.

Deadline :

Beijing, China

Article type: Press service

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