
Former US Border Patrol agent sentenced to 87 months in prison for attempting to distribute methamphetamine and receiving bribes | Press Releases

SAN DIEGO – Former U.S. Border Patrol agent Hector Hernandez, who admitted to accepting bribes to smuggle methamphetamine and people across the U.S.-Mexico border while on duty, was sentenced Friday, May 24 in federal court to 87 months in prison.

According to a news release from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of California, Hernandez pleaded guilty in January, admitting that he agreed to use his official position to open border barriers and allow unauthorized immigrants to enter the United States from Mexico. Hernandez also agreed to move methamphetamine and other controlled substances from the Southern District of California further north to other locations in the United States.

According to the release, in his plea agreement, Hernandez admitted to taking Mexico-based smugglers to tour the U.S.-Mexico border, showing them the best places to smuggle illegal immigrants into the United States. He also provided information about the location of surveillance devices and cameras – information he is only privy to because of his position as a Border Patrol agent. Hernandez admitted to repeatedly opening restricted border barriers to allow people to enter the United States illegally in exchange for cash payments of $5,000 per opening.

“In all cases, the U.S. Attorney’s Office stands ready to strengthen the public’s trust in law enforcement,” U.S. Attorney Tara McGrath said in the release. “When that trust is undermined by criminal acts hidden behind a badge, it threatens both public safety and the integrity of our justice system. Hernández put his personal greed before the safety of others and this sentence reflects the magnitude of his actions.

“Agent Hernandez dishonored his badge when he chose to smuggle drugs and people across the border,” said DEA Acting Special Agent Anthony Chrysanthis. “His sentence reflects the harm he caused to his colleagues and his country. As law enforcement, we are held to a higher standard and we must be held accountable for our actions. »

“Today’s sentence sends a clear message that federal officials who betray the people they were sworn to protect will be held accountable for their actions,” said DHS Inspector General Joseph V. Cuffari.

According to court records, Hernandez admitted that on May 9, 2023, he met with someone who, unbeknownst to him, was actually an undercover federal agent, and agreed to pick up a bag full of narcotics that was allegedly hidden near the border barrier. . Hernandez agreed to collect the bag while on duty and give it to the undercover agent in exchange for $20,000. Once the deal was made, agents loaded the bag with 10 kilograms of fake methamphetamine, one pound of real meth and a tracking device, before placing the bag in a storm drain near the border fence.

Later that evening, Hernandez drove his official vehicle to the storm drain while on duty and retrieved the bag. He drove the bag to his residence in Chula Vista and left it there for the remainder of his shift. On May 10, 2023, after his shift ended, Hernandez returned home, retrieved the bag and drove to meet the undercover agent. Upon arrest, officers confirmed that the bag still contained both the fake meth and real meth.

After Hernandez's arrest, officers searched his residence and found $131,717 in cash and 7.7 grams of cocaine. Hernandez admitted that at least $110,000 in cash represented proceeds he received in connection with his drug trafficking and corruption activities.

As part of his plea agreement, Hernandez forfeited his personal vehicle used to deliver the drugs to the undercover agent; $110,000 of the money seized; and his interest in his residence where the drugs were kept.

In court on Friday, May 24, U.S. District Judge Janis L. Sammartino said, “The Border Patrol is an honorable and admirable agency of government sworn to protect and safeguard our borders… [Hernandez] chose to betray the agency, the nation and betray the public trust.

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Sean Van Demark and Lawrence A. Casper.


Case number 23cr1114-JLS

Hector Hernández Age: 55 Chula Vista, California


• Attempted distribution of methamphetamine – 21 USC sections 841(a)(1) and 846

• Maximum penalty: life imprisonment with a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years.

• Receiving a bribe from a public official – 18 USC, Section 201(b)(2)

• Maximum sentence: Fifteen years in prison


• Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General

• Drug Enforcement Administration

• Federal Bureau of Investigation

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