
Former Miami police officer sentenced to more than 11 years in prison for attempted cocaine trafficking and attempted extortion under the Hobbs Act

MIAMI – Former Miami Police Department (MPD) officer Frenel Cenat was sentenced today to 135 months in prison, followed by five years of supervised release, by U.S. District Judge James I. Cohn in Fort Lauderdale. Cenat previously pleaded guilty to attempted Hobbs Act extortion under color of official duty and attempted possession with intent to distribute cocaine. The charges stem from his use of his police position and authority, as well as his unmarked vehicle and equipment provided by MPD, to conduct two illegal traffic stops to steal what he believed to be drug proceeds and seven kilograms of cocaine from drivers.

“The vast majority of law enforcement officers in this district and across the country do their very difficult jobs with respect for their communities and upholding the law,” said U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe for the Southern District of Florida. “Former Officer Frenel Cenat tarnished his image when he abused his position and authority. His actions do not speak for the law enforcement community as a whole. On the contrary, today’s conviction is a reminder that no one is above the law. I want to thank our partners at the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and MPD, particularly the FBI’s West Palm Beach Resident Agency and the Miami Area Corruption Task Force, for their unwavering commitment to the communities we serve and the pursuit of justice.”

“Former Officer Frenel Cenat disgraced himself through his inexcusable actions that undermined the public’s trust in law enforcement,” said FBI Miami Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey B. Veltri. “I want to thank the Drug Enforcement Administration, the City of Miami Police Department, and our U.S. Attorney’s Office for their unwavering commitment throughout this complex investigation. Every day, thousands of dedicated, skilled, and honorable law enforcement officers take to the streets to protect communities across South Florida. It is on behalf of these professionals that we seek to root out wrongdoing to ensure that the high standards expected of our police are met and maintained. Our citizens deserve nothing less. We encourage anyone who may have information about corruption to come forward and report it. This information is critical to protecting our community.”

“Cenat used his badge to cover up his illegal activities, tarnishing the reputation of all the good men and women who protect our communities,” said Special Agent in Charge Deanne L. Reuter of the DEA’s Miami Field Division. “Partnerships with law enforcement were essential in bringing this disgraced officer to justice.”

“The reputation of the Miami Police Department is paramount. The community we are sworn to protect must have confidence in our ability to provide security ourselves. Mr. Cenat’s arrest sent a strong message that I will not tolerate any member who tarnishes the image of our Miami Police Department,” said MPD Chief Manny Morales. “I am grateful for the assistance and partnership of the FBI, DEA and the U.S. Attorney’s Office; their professionalism and dedication made this investigation a tremendous success and resulted in the arrest of an individual unfit to wear the badge.”

Cenat, 41, who at the time of the crimes had been an MPD officer since 2008, was using an unmarked MPD SUV as a “take-home” vehicle. As an MPD officer, Cenat was prohibited from engaging in extortion or using illegal means to obtain anything of value using his official position. In addition, Cenat was required to comply with the laws of the State of Florida and the United States, and he was not permitted to permit, facilitate, or assist persons in violating those laws, or to accept payments or things of value in exchange for permitting, facilitating, or assisting persons in violating state or federal laws.

A confidential human source (CHS) told law enforcement that a mutual friend told them that Cenat had previously conducted traffic stops on individuals known to have been involved in drug transactions in an attempt to steal the drugs and/or money the individuals were carrying. On October 16, 2023, the friend introduced Cenat to CHS at a meeting in Broward County, where the three discussed the possibility of Cenat using his position as a police officer to stop an individual immediately following a drug transaction and steal approximately $50,000 in drug proceeds that the individual allegedly had in his vehicle. Cenat indicated that he conducts the traffic stops outside of his jurisdiction and during off-duty hours.

On November 1, 2023, the friend, CHS, and Cenat scheduled a fraudulent traffic stop for November 3, 2023. They discussed that the driver to be arrested would have approximately $50,000 in cash from the alleged drug transaction, and Cenat requested the time and location of the transaction, as well as detailed information about the driver. Cenat stated that he would use this information during the traffic stop to scare the individual into believing that he had been under investigation and surveillance for some time so that the driver would be more likely to comply with his demand for money.

On November 2 and 3, 2023, Cenat and CHS engaged in numerous communications prior to the traffic stop. On November 3, in a hotel parking lot in Miami Gardens, Florida, Cenat initiated these communications directly with CHS. Cenat, in his unmarked MPD-issued vehicle, observed two drivers engaging in a staged drug transaction in a parking lot. These drivers were actually undercover FBI employees. One of the drivers was given a backpack containing $52,000 in cash. Cenat followed this driver out of the parking lot and activated his lights and sirens to conduct a traffic stop. During the traffic stop, Cenat was dressed in black tactical gear and had his MPD-issued firearm and taser visible in their holsters. Cenat identified himself as “Officer Martez” and told one of the drivers that he had witnessed the drug transaction. Cenat gave the driver the choice of handing over the backpack containing the money or going to jail. The driver handed Cenat the backpack containing the money and the driver was then allowed to leave the scene in his vehicle without being arrested. Cenat met with CHS immediately afterward and handed over $13,000 of the money stolen from the driver, keeping the remaining $39,000.

On November 7, 2023, Cenat called CHS and asked if they knew of a deal whereby Cenat could conduct another stop and obtain something like seven or ten kilos of cocaine. Following Cenat’s request, CHS called Cenat on November 12, 2023 regarding an upcoming transaction in Deerfield Beach, Florida on November 16, 2023. CHS told Cenat that the driver they were going to stop would have approximately six or seven kilos of cocaine and at least $30,000 from an alleged drug deal. During their discussions, Cenat speculated that the cocaine he would steal could be sold for well over $100,000 that they could split.

On November 16, 2023, Cenat called CHS to advise that he was in the parking lot in his MPD-issued vehicle where the transaction was to take place. CHS then sent Cenat a description of the individual’s vehicle for the traffic stop. Similar to the first transaction, two undercover FBI employees engaged in a staged drug transaction in the parking lot. Cenat followed one of them out of the parking lot and activated the lights of his MPD-issued vehicle to conduct a traffic stop. Cenat was dressed in black tactical gear, including his MPD-issued tactical vest with body armor in place, and once again had his MPD-issued firearm and taser visible in their holsters. Cenat identified himself as “Officer Martez” of the “Broward County Sheriff’s Office – Narcotics Unit” and told the driver that he had witnessed the drug transaction. Cenat went to the bed of the driver’s truck and took a duffel bag containing seven kilos of fake cocaine and $80,000 and brought it back to his own MPD vehicle. Cenat then returned to the driver’s side window of the vehicle and used information received from CHS to create the appearance that he was under investigation. Cenat asked the driver, “Do you want to go home tonight or spend 30 years in…federal prison?” The driver told Cenat that he wanted to go home. Cenat then told the driver that he was now working for him and that he was to answer when called. After obtaining the fake cocaine and money from the driver, Cenat let him go.

Cenat drove off with the duffel bag containing the fake cocaine and cash and was arrested by law enforcement shortly thereafter. The duffel bag, seven kilograms of fake cocaine, and $80,000 in cash from the traffic stop were found in Cenat’s unmarked vehicle, issued by the city police. Additionally, $2,000 in $100 bills from the November 3, 2023 traffic stop scam were also found in his vehicle.

U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe for the Southern District of Florida, Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey B. Veltri of the FBI, Miami Field Office, Special Agent in Charge Deanne L. Reuter of the DEA Miami Field Division, and Police Chief Manuel A. Morales of the MPD announced the sentence.

The FBI's West Palm Beach Resident Agency and the FBI's Miami Area Corruption Task Force, which includes agents from the MPD's Internal Affairs Section Task Force, along with the DEA investigated the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward N. Stamm prosecuted the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Marx Calderon is handling asset forfeiture.

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