
Follow Chirac and Farage, not angry farmers, when it comes to music as a political weapon – POLITICO

France needs a man
Of courage, of resolution,
Let's vote, Jacques Chirac,
Forward, the whole Nation.

For everyone, Jacques Chirac,
Now, president,
Together now
Jacques Chirac, president.

There was also“Chirac for Paris” by Michel Paje (1977), a jaunty little number from Chirac's electoral campaign who, if he were more French, would wear a beret.

You know who likes to listen to loud music when they're making a political statement? Angry European farmers. Your author was recently walking through the hot hell that is Place du Luxembourg in Brussels (on a weekday morning, not after a big Thursday night outing) and heard the Bee Gees classic “Stayin' Alive” played loudly. Good choice. But this seems to be the exception. This week, the farmers were back in Brussels and, after a detour to the Atomium (“Balls to the EU!”), they headed to the European Quarter and past the POLITICO Towers, detonating monstrosities like “ Barbie Girl” and “Baby Shark”. .”

There should certainly be no changes to the Common Agricultural Policy until farmers have access to decent music.

One man who knows how to use campaign music to his advantage is Nigel Farage, newly installed as a candidate for the British Parliament and still wiping stains after having a milkshake thrown at him (surely we can all agree that the Farage's milkshake doesn't bring all the boys to the yard).

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