
Firefighters highlight dangers of fires from homes struck by lightning

GIFFORD, Ill. (WCIA) — After a house caught fire in Gifford, firefighters are giving tips to prevent electrical fires caused by lightning.

Thursday night's storms sparked a fire when lightning struck a home in Gifford around 10 p.m. The family was not injured, but firefighters said the house was damaged and would take several months to repair before it was habitable again.

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, approximately 17,000 fires are attributed to lightning each year. This includes one in 200 homes that are struck. There are some tips to help owners prepare if this happens.

The Gifford Fire Department suggests starting by making sure you have working smoke detectors. The Gifford Fire Captain says the priority is to minimize possible damage.

“Keeping your electrical system up to date and functioning properly,” said Gifford Fire Captain Adam Pannbacker. “Often it may not be your house that is struck by lightning, but rather the power line, and if your electrical system is properly grounded and functioning, hopefully you won't have too many damage.”

He also says that, although a little dated, lightning rods can help attract lightning away from your home. The captain admits these types of house fires are rare, but they do happen.

Pannbaker also advises residents to be aware of the weather.

“Storms happen, especially in the spring,” Pannbaker said. “It seems like we're getting a lot of them. You know, Gifford especially seems a little storm-shy. So just be aware of the weather.

It's also a good idea to check around the house and attic if you think you've been hit.

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