
Fire tragically strikes Azur Apartments

WACO, Texas (FOX 44) – A devastating fire tore through the Azur Apartments near Richland Mall today, leaving many residents in shock and despair as they scrambled to save what was left of their homes amid the chaos.

The Waco Fire Department responded quickly to the Owen Lane site, sending 38 firefighters and 16 vehicles to battle the flames that engulfed the complex. The fire affected a total of eight apartments, two of which were directly damaged by fire and the others were affected by water and smoke.

In the aftermath of the disaster, 19 people were displaced, their lives turned upside down by the sudden catastrophe. The Red Cross and the management of Azur Apartments immediately intervened, providing essential support and assistance to those affected.

A resident who was deeply affected by the ordeal said that Azur management has made it its mission to provide financial assistance for temporary housing, in order to guarantee displaced residents a place to stay during this difficult time. In addition, management plans to allow residents to return to their apartments tomorrow to collect their salvageable personal belongings.

As the community comes together to support those who have lost their homes, the road to recovery for residents of Azur Apartments promises to be challenging but hopeful, with the support of neighbors, emergency services and local organizations rallying around them.

The investigation into the fire is ongoing, we will give you more updates as they become available.

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