
Fight in Holguin ends in fatal stabbing

A violent fight in a neighborhood of Holguin culminated in the tragic death of a young Cuban, according to Cazador-Cazadoa profile known for its close links with the Ministry of the Interior (MININT). The information, shared on Facebook, details the incident that occurred on the afternoon of June 5 in the Ramón Quintana neighborhood of Holguín.

The altercation began between two young men who eventually left to arm themselves with knives to settle their dispute. Each returned with weapons and a group of supporters, but their confrontation was interrupted by the passing of a police patrol responding to a different call. The presence of the police caused the groups to disperse.

Two companions of one of the first fighters found themselves in an impasse, which was an opportunity to Jorge Ramon Martínez Ramirez— the other party to the conflict — to fatally stab one of the young people. “He had a knife and plunged it into the chest of one of them, who died instantly,” the message reports.

Within hours, and with the help of local residents, authorities managed to apprehend the attacker. The profile emphasizes that this is an “unfortunate incident, in which the deceased was not the instigator of the conflict. Examples like this show the potentially deadly outcome of such fights,” the publication states. .

The rise of violence in Cuba continues to claim victims. Friday, the body of a young man missing for a month was found, probably murdered, in Grandmother. In May, another man was fatally stabbed on a street in Santiago de Cuba.

Key questions about rising violence in Cuba

This section addresses common questions and concerns regarding the growing violence in Cuba, based on recent incidents such as the deadly brawl in Holguín.

What led to the deadly brawl in Holguin?

The deadly brawl in Holguin began with a fight between two young men who then armed themselves with knives and returned with supporters. The situation escalated, leading to a fatal attack.

How did the police react to the incident?

A police patrol happened to pass through the neighborhood for another reason, which caused the groups to disperse. They then captured the attacker with the help of local residents.

Is violence increasing in Cuba?

Yes, violence in Cuba appears to be increasing, with recent incidents including the discovery of a suspected murder victim in Granma and a fatal stabbing in Santiago de Cuba.

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