
FG sues governors for alleged misconduct in LG business

The federal government has taken the governors of the 36 states to the Supreme Court for alleged misconduct in local government affairs.

The Attorney General of the Federation, on behalf of the Federal Government, filed suit against the governors who primarily sought full autonomy for local governments as the third tier of government in the country.

The AGF is asking the Supreme Court for an order prohibiting state governors from unilaterally, arbitrarily and illegally disbanding democratically elected local government leaders.

In the initial summons, the AGF also requests the Supreme Court for an order authorizing funds standing to the credit of local governments to be channeled directly to them from the Federation Account, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, against the alleged illegal joint project. accounts created by governors.

He also sought an order from the Supreme Court prohibiting governors from constituting caretaker committees to manage local government affairs, contrary to the democratic system recognized and guaranteed by the Constitution.

Further, the Federal Government sought an injunction order prohibiting governors, their agents and individuals from receiving, expending or altering funds released from the Federation Account for the benefit of local governments where no system of local government democratically elected official is not established in the country. the states.

The governors were sued through their respective attorneys general.

The suit is based on 27 grounds, among them that the Nigerian Federation is a creation of the 1999 Constitution with the President as the head of the federal executive branch of the Federation and that it is sworn to respect and give effect to the provisions of the Constitution.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has set Thursday, May 30, for the hearing of the trial.

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