
Father-in-law of murdered actress Laila Khan sentenced to death 13 years after her murder

More than a decade after the shocking murder, the stepfather learns what happened to him.

The murder of actress Laila Khan may finally have a conclusion, more than a decade after she and her family were gunned down. According to News Nine, Khan and five members of his family were murdered in 2011.

Parvez Tak was convicted of murder and sentenced to the death penalty following his trial. Tak was the third husband of Khan's mother Shelina and allegedly decided to murder the family to grab their assets, which include an apartment and a shop in Oshiwara, an apartment in Mira Road and a farm in Igatpuri. Jewelry and cash belonging to the family were also targeted, but that appears to be the least of the allegations against Tak and his machinations.

Khan's mother's second husband, Asif Shaikh, alleged that Tak wanted to push Laila Khan and her sisters into prostitution. “Azmina, Zara and Reshma were telling me that Tak was always asking them to go to Dubai to earn money. But the girls were not ready. Tak was harassing and threatening them,” Shaikh said, according to Hindustan Times .

He later admitted his “insecurity” which motivated him to commit murder, with money playing a role. After being denied income from Khan's work in Dubai, he admitted to carrying out the assassination plan.

Tak and his associate Shakir Hussain both played a role in the murder, the latter having been hired as a caretaker on the family farm. “After Laila Khan's family arrived at the farm with Tak, he had an argument with Shelina, following which he hit her with a blunt object, resulting in her death,” details News Nine. “When the other family members rushed to help him, he allegedly bludgeoned Imran with the help of the watchman. The duo then murdered the other family members using knives and rods, buried the bodies in the compound and set fire to the house to destroy the evidence.”

Tak was convicted of all the murders, earning him the death penalty and closing the book on the murders after a decade.

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