
Family in AA Comeaux game dispute claims alleged threat was racial profiling

ABBEVILLE, Louisiana (KLFY)– The Soelv family spoke with News 10 about the Wednesday altercation at youth baseball game.

The incident occurred at AA Comeaux Parks & Recreation, and many community members, parents, local officials and the Quality Sports Authority baseball association expressed their disapproval of the altercation; they said the adults involved created panic, fear and chaos.

“What they're trying to perpetuate is that I made the threat,” said Angelique Soelv, one of the parents involved in the argument. “What about the threat they made about having a vehicle for me? What about the threat to my life? Then you threaten to slap me. It was a threat to my life. Then you threaten my daughter but no one talks about these threats. You're just trying to say that I perpetuated a situation that caused all of this in a park. How? Because, I commented; » defined an eight year old child, then I defended myself. How did I start anything?

The mother claimed she was described as a “regular angry black woman or the gangster black woman in a gangster family” who allegedly tried to bring weapons.

Soelv shared her story and explained that she was Facebook live to record her 8-year-old son's game when a parent allegedly commented on her son's play after he recently expressed good sportsmanship to another player.

“One play before my son was caught, the little receiver on the other team made an exceptional play. He caught the ball, kicked it away and ran home. You can hear in my live that I say good job, little man. You did very well,” Soelv said. “The next round is coming. My son takes a dive at the foul line and the father stands up. It's not on Facebook because I'm still celebrating my son. He pulls on the fence, shouting “it's lucky.” It's nothing but luck.

The mother further explained that she told the man, “That's talent” and felt the argument was over until another woman insulted him and things degenerate.

Jalearreia Soelv, the daughter, said her mother called her because she was the only child in town and informed her what was happening. She told News 10 that threatening words were said to her mother.

“I just went over there and went to address both of them,” Jalearreia Soelv said. “I didn’t come out of anything unarmed. I didn't barge anywhere. I didn't go anywhere by force. I didn't insult them when I spoke to them. I simply said, I don't know which one of you disrespected my mother, but after all of this, you could all come and talk to me at the door.

Jalearreia Soelv said a man stood up and told her to meet her near her truck.

“I don’t know if it was his son’s bat or what it was, but when the police arrived he was still holding the bat. He grabbed the bat. I went to get something to protect myself,” she explained.

The mother said her daughter went to get her brother's bat, but never did. As they were leaving the park, they were informed that someone would be bringing their son because the game was on. The mother said that while she was in the driver's seat and her daughter was walking toward the truck, a man came running with a bat out of park after her daughter. She added that racist slurs had been used against her daughter on several occasions. However, she said she gave her statement to police and believed many people were upset that no one was arrested over the incident. The mother said a woman who ran across the field told police what she saw and claimed a man ran after her daughter with a bat, she went to get something and police claimed it was self-defense and let them go.

Jalearreia Soelv said the narrative being spread is: “She (her mother) called us to come and shoot the place or whatever they are trying to say. Why would we do that when my little brother is on this same field where you all are screaming, you all have children. My mother's child is on this same ground where you all shout that you have children. So we're going to come over there and bring weapons? Whatever you have to say. We bought it where my little brother is.

“For them to try to do this narrative, we try to do all of that. No, you racially profiled all of us because they saw a black man coming and trying to protect black women, you all started running and screaming. This boy who even tried to help us look no older than 16. So you all come and scream, he took a gun. He took a weapon even though he had nothing in his hand because he was coming to protect our camp. How did you get people to gang up on us? » she expressed.

She said the only reason the incident is getting attention and broadcast is because people are claiming threats of gun violence and children are being traumatized.

“You’re all responsible for this because I didn’t come in like I was barging into anything. I went straight to them and addressed the people who had anything to do with this. If it’s a crime, let me know,” she said.

The mother shared that her son, who plays in two leagues and had been playing baseball since he was 3 years old, was affected by the incident and discouraged from continuing to play baseball.

“Well mom, all I did was try my best like you and the coaches told me and I made the catch.” Now I don't think I want to play baseball. Did anyone feel anything about my child and how traumatized it was? » asked the mother.

“I hope you can look with an objective eye and see that once me and this gentleman got through our words, everything was calm until a grown woman cursed me. No adult is going to sit there and let another adult talk crazy and curse them without responding,” she added, “If I sense that you are being hostile and upsetting towards my child. I will defend him. I'm going to tell you about yourself.

“I feel like what they were thinking was that I was the only black parent who could speak up and try to bully someone and I'm not that person to bully. I will answer you. I will have the same tone. I will meet you at your level, in the same tone you gave me. I will give it to you,” said Angélique Soelv.

QSA released a statement who said, “We are all disturbed and upset by the situation that occurred at AA Comeaux Park last night during our tournament championship night for QSA. Our management regrets that our children and parents witnessed this terrible and inexcusable behavior by adults, which began with an argument over a youth baseball game.

Angelique Soelv said that due to the incident, her son never got his medal since his team won the match and never had the chance to take a team photo. The mother told News 10 that QSA informed her that her 8-year-old was no longer on the All-Star team and was not allowed to play with the association for a year. This also applies to other parties involved in the incident. News 10 reached out to the association for clarification on why and never received a response as of news time. Abbeville police told News 10 they are investigating and have video they are reviewing from different angles, also taking statements from both parties involved. Chief Mike Hardy said several arrests are being made and after the investigation some people will be banned from the park.

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