
Falconer Board pays tribute to young people who woke their families during a fire | News, Sports, Jobs

From left, Falconer Volunteer Fire Chief Brice Webster, Noah Double, Mayor James Jaroszynski, Third Deputy Chief Brenton Yager and Second Deputy Chief Avery Faulkner presented Double with an award at the city council meeting. Tuesday's village administration, which was held in the fire department's exempt room for its actions during a structure. fire at his residence on May 21.

It could have been worse without the quick thinking of Noah Double, a Falconer Central School student who helped his family escape a fire at their home at 2 Waldemeere Ave., Falconer, on May 21.

Double was honored by Falconer Village board members Monday.

On May 21 at 3:24 a.m., Noah Double was sleeping when he was suddenly awakened by the smell of smoke coming from something burning near him. Double, to his surprise, discovered that his garage and part of his house were engulfed in fire. However, his quick thinking and courageous actions allowed him to sound the alarm and help his family get to safety.

“Noah may not feel like a hero, but he is” Falconer Mayor James Jaroszynski said. “His quick thinking and actions helped save his family and others. »

From left, Falconer Volunteer Fire Chief Brice Webster, Noah Double, Mayor James Jaroszynski, Third Deputy Chief Brenton Yager and Second Deputy Chief Avery Faulkner presented Double with an award at the city council meeting. Tuesday's village administration, which was held in the fire department's exempt room for its actions during a structure. fire at his residence on May 21. PJ Photo by Christopher Blakeslee

In the audience watching the ceremony unfold were Double's family members watching with pride. Double also received a gift card from PersNikkity's Pies for his actions.

The May 21 fire broke out in Double's garage located on the property. The garage and the house were destroyed. A neighboring house was also damaged in the fire and could be repaired. Another nearby home damaged by the fire will be left to the discretion of the owner and village code enforcement as to its fate, according to Brent Yager, second fire chief for the Falconer Fire Department.

Family friend Heleena Walter recently started Go Fund Me. Walter has been friends with Kirsten Double since 1995, when they worked together at Reachout Ministries on Spring Street with the Latchkey program. Kirsten Double works for the Safe House in Jamestown. Walter is the director of Kingdom Kids at REALiFE Church in Jamestown and Kirsten Double is a leader on his team, helping to work with the Kingdom Seekers group and the Kingdom Quest age group. She also helps lead worship vocally and with the worship team keyboards. Being part of the church family together is part of the reason Walter started Go Fund Me. The Go Fund Me can be found at

More Doubles fundraisers are planned in the future, including one on August 3, hosted by REALiFE Church. The event will take place from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at REALiFE Church, 556 East Second Street. The event is organized by Bethany Smart with help from Walter. During this event there will be outdoor family activities, bounce houses, live bands, food, Chinese auctions, 50/50 raffles and more inside the church. To learn more about this benefit, visit Facebook under the heading “Double family benefit” event page.

For Walter, people should be interested in both donating to Go Fund Me and attending the August benefit to help a family who has always been community-minded.

“The Double family needs help to rebuild their home, immediately and in the future,” » Walter said. “This family has always loved the community, and we hope that they will begin to feel in return the love that we all have to give them in this very overwhelming time of need.”

In other matters:

– Council approved the sale of the Village Fire Department’s Box Alarm Reader to a local fire department.

“We are very happy to do this” Trustee Timothy Dunn said. “I’m glad this equipment is going to another fire department that can use it.”

– The dog catchers report reported the discovery of dog feces found on a property on Lister Avenue and a report of a dog running in the village park without a leash. The DCO issued a warning ticket and advised that any further incidents regarding this issue would result in fines being issued.

– The library will hold its first educational presentation on Alzheimer's disease and dementia on July 18, titled “Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors.” A second presentation is planned for August 13 entitled Managing Money: A Caregiver's Guide to Finance. Both presentations will take place at 2:00 p.m.

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