
Ending child labor: a call to protect the most vulnerable

World Day Against Child Labor highlights the persistent problem of nearly one in ten children worldwide engaged in child labor, a scourge that particularly affects marginalized communities such as migrants, refugees and child victims of child labor. traffic.

By Francesca Merlo

“A child who does not know how to dream, who does not know how to play, cannot grow up. This deprives children of their future and therefore of humanity itself. It is a violation of human dignity.

The words of Pope Francis during his speech at a conference on child labor on November 19, 2021 resonate on June 12, as the world marks the World Day Against Child Labor.

This year, the Day celebrates 25 years since the adoption of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention. The theme is “Let’s act on our commitments: put an end to child labor!” »

1 in 10 children

Even as we celebrate the adoption of conventions put in place to combat the horrific reality of child labor, there is still much work to be done, as nearly one in ten children are subjected to child labor worldwide , some being forced into dangerous work. by traffic.

So, what is child labor? Who are his victims? What has been done and what can be done to prevent it?

What is child labor?

According to the International Labor Organization, “child labor” is work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and harms their physical and mental development. This includes tasks that are mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children, and/or disrupt their education by preventing them from attending school, forcing them to leave school early or requiring them to juggle with school and excessive and difficult work. Whether the work is classified as “child labor” depends on the age of the child, the nature and hours of work, working conditions and the objectives of the specific country, which vary from country to country. from one sector to another and within them.

Who are the victims ?

As usual, the children most at risk of falling victim to child labor are those who are part of marginalized communities. According to UNICEF, these include migrant and refugee children, many of whom have been uprooted by conflict, disaster or poverty. They risk being forced to work or even trafficked, especially if they migrate alone or take irregular routes with their families.

Similarly, trafficked children are often victims of child labor and subjected to violence, abuse and other human rights violations. For girls, the threat of sexual exploitation is great, while armed forces groups may exploit boys.

Thousands of children are recruited and used in armed conflicts around the world. Between 2005 and 2022, more than 105,000 children were recruited and used by parties to the conflict, although the actual number of cases appears to be much higher.

Every child has the right…

Organizations like UNICEF and the International Labor Organization work tirelessly to ensure that all children are safe from violence and can grow up with their families.

“They shouldn't miss school or be afraid to go to the doctor. They should not be discriminated against because of their origin. They should be able to feel at home – wherever they are and wherever they are,” Unicef ​​​​writes on its website.

The voice of the Church

The Catholic Church tirelessly campaigns to end child labor around the world. Pope Francis has often said that children should be children. Speaking on January 12, 2022 during the General Audience, he said:

“Children who are old enough to play are forced to work like adults. Let us think of those children, poor little things, who scour landfills looking for something useful to exchange or sell,”

“I cannot help but emphasize that this affects each and every one of us, because we are all members of one big human family,” he concluded.

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