
DPP welcomes Human Trafficking Institute Vice President to strengthen collaborations

Director of Public Prosecutions Renson Ingonga hosted Human Trafficking Institute Vice President of Programs Tyler Dunman on Monday.

The meeting aimed to discuss potential areas of cooperation and collaboration between the ODPP and HTI in combating crimes related to human trafficking.

Key areas in which the two institutions were keen to collaborate include capacity building for prosecutors on human trafficking, joint initiatives and public engagements, policy advocacy, integrated technical expertise and data management.

This will play a key role in the effective prosecution of human trafficking cases.

“HTI has a three-part model aimed at eliminating trafficking at the source by preventing traffickers from exploiting more victims,” Dunman said.

“Its model allows judicial systems to pursue traffickers more effectively,” he added.

The programs equip prosecutors, law enforcement officers and social workers with the skills and expertise they need to combat human trafficking in their own countries.

This comes barely a week since the head of the ODPP's counterterrorism and transnational organized crime division, Michael Sang, called on associated entities to embrace teamwork and cooperation, among other terrorist activities, human trafficking.

He said this vice presents a multi-faceted threat that cannot be combatted by a single entity.

He noted that the contribution of various entities will have a positive impact on efforts to combat terrorist activities in the region.

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