
Doctors urge early diagnosis as teenage colon cancer cases rise

Pediatric Surgeons and pathologists have called for increased efforts in early diagnosis and awareness of colon cancer across all age groups, following a worrying rise in cases among teenagers.

Health experts fear that colon cancer, traditionally considered a disease of the elderly, is now occurring with alarming frequency in younger age groups.

Speak exclusively with PUNCH HealthDoctors stressed the need for increased health education to raise awareness of potential warning signs, such as persistent abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, unexplained weight loss and rectal bleeding.

According to the World Health Organization, colorectal or colon cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide, accounting for approximately 10% of all cancer cases and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide.

The World Health Organization said the disease mainly affects older people, with the majority of cases occurring in people aged 50 and over.

However, a recent study indicated a notable increase in colon cancer diagnoses among adolescents and young adults, challenging conventional assumptions about age groups susceptible to the disease.

The study, which was presented in May at the Digestive Disease Week 2024 conference, found that colorectal cancer incidence rates among people aged 10 to 44 increased between 1999 and 2020, with the largest increases significant being observed in people aged 10 to 24 years. .

In conducting the study, the researchers analyzed data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Wonder database, which offers publicly available data on mortality, cancer incidence, census data, vaccinations and more.

They also tracked colorectal cancer incidence rates between 1999 and 2020 among people in seven different age cohorts, ranging from 10 to 44 years old.

Researchers found that rates increased in all age groups during this period, but younger demographic groups saw a steeper rise in cases.

Although the percentage increases were greatest among people aged 10 to 24, it is important to note that middle-aged and older adults were still more likely to develop colorectal cancer; incidence rates in this age group have simply increased at a slightly slower rate.

Speaking to our correspondent, doctors said that changes in eating habits and environmental factors are potential contributors to this unexpected and alarming trend.

Both experts stressed the importance of early diagnosis, saying that symptoms of colon cancer in adolescents can be subtle and easily confused with other illnesses.

A researcher in pediatric oncology and congenital infections, Professor Aminu Mohammed, said modern lifestyles, characterized by diets low in fiber and high in processed foods, could play a significant role in the emergence of the disease in adolescents.

The don, who is also the president of the Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria, explained that these dietary changes could be linked to the development of colon cancer in adolescents because reduced fibre intake prolongs the contact of carcinogens with the intestinal mucosa which could lead to malignancy.

Aminu, who is also a professor of pediatric surgery at Bayero University, Kano State, said environmental factors such as chemical pollutants in water sources and genetic predispositions play a crucial role in the early onset of colon cancer in young people.

He noted that these factors collectively highlight the urgency of early detection and increased awareness.

He stressed the importance of recognizing early symptoms such as abdominal discomfort, changes in bowel habits and rectal bleeding.

According to the professor, early identification of these signs could lead to rapid medical intervention and significantly improve treatment results.

Reflecting on his clinical experience, the doctor affirmed a notable increase in cases of colon cancer among individuals under the age of 20, adding that he records more than three cases of colon cancer among adolescents every year.

While emphasizing that this phenomenon was unprecedented, the pediatric surgeon advocated for global health education campaigns to raise awareness of the early signs and symptoms of colon cancer.

Speaking on early presentation and symptoms, Aminu said tumors in different parts of the colon manifest distinctly.

He added: “Cancer rates are increasing due to advances in diagnostic technology, which allows for earlier detection. Additionally, dietary changes, such as reducing fiber intake, help increase the risk of colon cancer. Modern diets often lack the fiber found in traditional foods, which can promote intestinal abnormalities and malignancies.

“We are seeing a notable increase in cases of colon cancer among individuals under the age of 30, which was rare in the past. As a pediatric surgeon, I now encounter two to three cases of colon cancer per year in adolescents under the age of 20, an unprecedented trend.

“Several factors are behind this increase, including refined diets, food preservatives and environmental pollutants. Genetic predisposition also plays an important role, exacerbating the risk of developing malignant tumors at an early stage.

“Different parts of the colon have different symptoms of cancer. Right-sided tumors may manifest subtly with symptoms such as anemia, while left-sided tumors may cause visible bleeding or changes in the appearance of stools. »

The surgeon, however, said socioeconomic challenges influence late-stage diagnosis and dietary habits influenced by affordability often lead individuals to delay seeking medical care.

He added that lack of awareness and initial misdiagnosis further compound these delays, limiting access to prompt and effective treatment.

To address these issues, the professor stressed the importance of prompt medical evaluation of persistent symptoms like unexplained weight loss, chronic fatigue and changes in bowel habits.

He urged individuals not to view these signs as unimportant.

The doctor also said there is a need for accessible screening programs, including physical exams and stool tests to detect occult blood, which is an indication of hidden colon cancer.

These measures, he stressed, are essential to identify colon cancer in its early stages, thus improving prognosis and reducing the overall burden of the disease.

On his part, Dr. Olaleke Folaranmi, an atomic pathologist at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Kwara State, highlighted the important role of low-fiber and high-processed food habits, which are often devoid of the essential nutrients needed for gut health.

While he said his center has not seen an increase in colon cancer cases among adolescents, he stressed the significant impact of family genetic factors in predisposing some people to the disease early in life.

The specialist noted that the adoption of urban lifestyles has led to increased consumption of fast food, raising concerns about the uncertain effects of additives and preservatives in these modern diets.

The doctor noted that these factors, while not directly linked to colon cancer, contribute to a broader conversation about preventative health measures and public health policies aimed at early detection and intervention.

Folaranmi also stressed the importance of genetic counseling and regular screenings for people with a family history of colon cancer.

He said screening protocols, including colonoscopy procedures, are essential to detect precancerous conditions early, adding that this would enable rapid intervention and treatment.

The expert adds: “In our medical center, we have not seen an increase in cases of colon cancer among adolescents. However, when it occurs at a young age, familial genetic factors often play a role, such as hereditary diseases leading to the early development of colon polyps.

“However, the majority of colon cancer cases we see still affect people aged 50 and over, which is why we recommend that screening generally begins between the ages of 45 and 50.

“Family history remains an important indicator. People who have colon cancer in their family should consider genetic counseling and early detection. A colonoscopy is essential to detect and monitor precancerous conditions, especially in families with a history of the disease.

“Implementing policies that promote routine screening through workplace programs or insurance coverage can greatly improve early detection efforts.

“Although colon cancer does not receive as much attention as breast or prostate cancer in Africa, its impact on those affected is profound. Preventive measures such as regular screening and increased awareness of risk factors are essential. Government initiatives requiring screening at specific ages could help increase early detection rates and improve outcomes.”

“It is crucial to take proactive measures and intervene in a timely manner. Establishing screening protocols similar to those for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing could standardize screening practices in adult populations with the goal of rapidly identifying and managing potential cancer developments.

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