
Diddy's alleged abuse dates back to his college days

The different allegations Sean “Diddy” Combs she is currently facing stem from incidents believed to have occurred over the past three decades. Although the allegations were recently revealed prosecution of eight alleged victimsthe disgraced mogul's alleged abuse dates back to his college days.

Tuesday May 28 rolling stone has released its six-month investigation into allegations against the Bad Boy founder and uncovered new ones. The outlet contacted more than 300 people in Diddy's orbit, but only 50 of his former friends, employees, artists and industry insiders actually spoke about multiple instances of angry outbursts, violent attacks and sexual harassment.

People who spoke to rolling stone described Combs as “a menacing character who desperately wants to be accepted and admired.” A source claimed his abusive ways were evident when he was a student at Howard University in the late 1980s. The source recalled an instance where he allegedly yelled belligerently at his girlfriend and assaulted her with a sash outside the school's Harriet Tubman Quadrangle dormitory.

“Puff is out here acting crazy. He beats her,” the source said. “He screamed and screamed and acted like a fool until she came down.”

After his college career, Diddy took his short-tempered nature with him as his career in the music industry flourished. In one case, several employees had to restrain Diddy after he allegedly attacked a woman in the Bad Boy offices. He also made sexual advances toward female employees and acquaintances. One woman even claimed he tried to convince her boss to solicit her for sex.

Diddy's exes were also mentioned in the article. There is an anecdote about what happened after he separated from Jennifer Lopez. Apparently, Diddy forced Bad Boy staff to show up to MTV's “TRL” studios with signs begging J. Lo to come back with him. Another story claimed that Diddy beat up a record executive for dating his ex Kim Porter. He is also accused of not letting Porter out of their toxic relationship.

The massive investigation into Diddy came a day before reports of a grand jury meeting before possible criminal indictment against the artist in difficulty. Federal investigators reportedly spoke with the accusers and told them they could be called to testify before a grand jury. No charges have yet been filed, but federal authorities are determined to gather more evidence to ensure the impending indictment is “ironclad.”

Watch The breakfast club break down Rolling Stone's investigation below.

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