
Diddy charged with rape and battery in seventh sexual assault trial

Photo: Shareif Ziyadat/Getty Images

Just after a graphic video of an attack on Cassie Ventura was publicly released, Diddy faces his seventh sexual assault trial, his second this week alone, USA today reports. Now, a woman is accusing the disgraced mogul of rape and battery over several alleged incidents after she met him while she was a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology in 1994. April Lampros filed suit against Diddy, of real name Sean Combs, in New York County Supreme Court. Court on May 23. He names Diddy; his label, Bad Boy Records; and Arista Records as defendants. “Combs promised to guide and assist her by introducing her to music and fashion industry executives, as well as helping her find work,” the lawsuit states. “She felt that if she disobeyed him, he would take away her dream of pursuing a career in his world. Mr. Combs would also threaten to blacklist her in the industry if she tried to bother him in any way.

The suit details how Diddy allegedly “love bombed” her and “showered her with gifts and flowers” early in their relationship, before he became violent, according to USA today. In the filing, Lampros accuses Diddy of raping her in 1995, as well as an incident in a car she claims a parking attendant witnessed. She also claims that Diddy forced her and girlfriend Kim Porter to take ecstasy and have sex together before raping her in 1996, allegations that are reminiscent of Cassie's earlier claims Lil Rod and other accusers. Another case of sexual assault allegedly took place in his apartment in 2000 or 2001. The file includes alleged photos of Diddy, Lampros and a “friend” at Bad Boy Studios, as well as an invitation to a meeting for the Father's Day and Valentine's Day. map.

Lampros' suit follows a torrent of sexual assault allegations against Diddy this year, which began when Cassie filed a complaint against him in December, sparking a criminal investigation into the hip-hop mogul.

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