
Diablo 4 streamer explains how to quickly level up Barbarian Weapon Expertise

A Diablo 4 content creator has shared a tip that should help Barbarian users develop their weapon expertise faster.

D4's Weapon Expertise feature applies exclusively to Barbarians, based on the class's unique use of four weapon slots.

Barbarians unlock the mechanic when they reach level 5, then have the ability to rank weapons from rank 0 to rank 10. This lengthy leveling process notably opens the door to additional weapon techniques and bonuses .

The only way to improve a weapon's expertise is to use it in combat. Simply having a certain weapon equipped in a slot will not help increase its rank.

Since this can take a while, Diablo 4 content creator DatModz has found a way to ensure that players can level up their barbarian's weapon expertise more quickly.

According to the streamer, players can speed up the process by equipping the weapon they wish to upgrade, assigning an eligible skill to said weapon, and visiting the Kyovashad Training Ground.

Once on the training ground, continually attacking the training dummies will help improve the expertise of the selected weapon.

The Diablo 4 clip shared by DatModz showed their Barbarian's One-Handed Ax expertise increasing from 0 to 4 to 8 in just a few moments.

This tip should prove useful as players continue to experiment with class classes in Season 4: Loot Reborn. The new season launched on May 14, with a revolutionary item overhaul.

Blizzard also continues to iterate on the latest changes, with the mid-season update adjusting pit difficulty, balancing unique items, and more.

Season 5 will go live in early August, and a PTR is expected to arrive at an unspecified date before then. The developers plan to share concrete details about Season 5 and its PTR during an upcoming Campfire Chat on Friday, June 21.

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