
Destiny 2's Salvation's Edge raid was dominated by a new Strand weapon

Destiny 2's new Raid arrived last weekend, and it was a bit of a record. Salvation's Edge turned out to be the longest raid in Destiny history, beating the record by around 18 hours set by The Last Wish.

After over 19 hours of hard work, solving puzzles, and slaughtering countless enemies, Team Parabellum had defeated the Off-Stream Raid. Astro, Bravo, DrakathShadow, Ham, Jake, and Tyraxe from the Guardian had kept their heads down, died about 1,500 times between them, and got the job done. Bungie confirmed victory, then everyone else fought for second place.

One of the most interesting stories is the one they were all fighting against. While covering the first world race, it was clear to me that class builds were stagnating despite recent changes, buffs, and nerfs. With only three days to prepare, and some of that time spent offline due to server issues, it seemed the teams were sticking to what they knew best. Well, Radiance Warlock was a must-have, and Hunters were absolutely everywhere, always the favorite class of the Youtuber who needs flashy clips.

The surprise was the presence of a new weapon in the mix. According to RaidHub, The Call was responsible for the highest number of kills in Contest mode. Although heavily focused on puzzles and designed to test the problem-solving skills of competitors, Salvation's Raid threw plenty of enemies at people. There has been very little downtime when it comes to killings, and The Call has recorded more than 66 million kills, putting it ahead of all other weapons in terms of killing volume, according to RaidHub.

This is surprising because it's interesting to see people who need to kill as many people as quickly as possible trust a new weapon that they haven't had time to put through the rigorous testing the Destiny community does. 2 is known. It's also not very surprising because The Call is a real killing machine.

It can be crafted, meaning if you find enough special versions, you can figure out how to make it yourself. It has a heavenly perk pool, allowing you to create a great build that will back up almost every type of character built in the game.

It's also a handgun that fires rockets, only the second in the game, and it drops randomly from new content, so it's pretty easy to obtain. The other rocket-firing handgun is the Indebted Kindness, and it comes in third place in our kill rankings. The Indebted Kindness is harder to obtain, being tied to a dungeon, one of the hardest content types in Destiny 2, and I would argue that it lacks the great perk options of The Call.

The final factor is that Call is a kinetic weapon and Kindness is an energy weapon. Some of the highest damage strategies will require a different energy weapon, so The Call offered people the perfect chance to take full power to kill minions while still having an energy and power weapon that could deal massive damage to bosses and toughest enemies. .

I just find this level of detail in such a small thing fascinating. There are thousands of factors that go into trying to be the very first to complete extremely difficult content like Raids, and interesting things happen that you don't really expect. So, a surprising new weapon has earned the trust of the world's best Destiny players, and they've used it to fight their way into a fight with The Witness.

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