
'Destiny 2' God Launches Echoes' New Craftable and Farmable Vex Weapons

Destiny 2's Echoes episode is in full swing in the second week of the year, follow-up content to The Final Shape, and the start of a new seasonal model that, so far, looks a lot like the old seasonal model.

It comes with a range of new Vex-inspired weapons, and while more will be added later, we currently have six that we can farm and craft. And it's pretty easy to get red borders this time around (find and drop these materials!), so you'll be able to do it quickly. And you need divine scrolls. So let's get started.

Lost Signal God Rolls (Stasis Zone Denial Grenade Launcher)

Autoload/Demolitionist or Vorpal – I have a hard time using any grenade launcher without autoloading, but this brand new frame type works a little differently than the others. But if I wanted to stick with that, I would choose Demo or Vorpal for the second slot depending on how much I use it.

Statistics for all/One for all – The new AOE setting means you're often hitting multiple enemies at once, so this combo to give you a quick reload boost after also doing One for All for a big damage boost is a good option if you ask me.

Stats for all or Lead for gold/Reverb – I'm not entirely sold on this new perk yet, which increases AOE after kills, but if you want to see how it plays out, I'd use either of these two in the first column.

God Scrolls of Veiled Menace (Stasis Auto Rifle)

Strategist/Desperate Measure or Tombstone – Obviously this depends on the build, but since many prismatic items are focused on class abilities, you may want the new perk that lets you recover that energy.

Small change/Tombstone – Breaking these crystals on a Stasis build is a recipe for getting a lot of shards, and there's also a new shard that can give you shards on a normal Stasis kill, which can make Loose Change a frequent advantage.

HAS right stomach pain/throwing – A possible PvP roll using a new perk that boosts a weapon's maneuverability and aim assist while taking damage.

Timeworn Traveler (Solar Scout Rifle)

Healing/Incandescent Clip – The classic combo, although a word of warning here, this gun may not trigger Heal Clip as well as others, so you'll have to test it out to see if you think it's worth it.

Dual charger or keep away/incandescent or desperate measures – We are talking now. You may not know this, but the Dual Loader has been improved so that it no longer decreases reload speed at all, so for a weapon like this you can fully charge it quickly now. And without Outlaw, this may be your best option outside of maybe Keep Away, which is another option.

To Pain/Eye of the Storm or Opening Shot – PvP, try it.

Line of Sight Survey (Arc Hand Cannon)

Informed Action or Keep Away/Voltshot – You'll need something to trigger a faster reload for Voltshot, and once you have it, it will feel good.

Lit Action/Precision Instrument or Opening Shot or Eye of the Storm – One of these should result in a decent PvP combo.

Faith-Keeper (Void Rocket Launcher)

Clown Cartridge/Reverb – An interesting combo here as the second Clown Cartouche shot would have a greater AOE if you killed the previous rocket.

Self-loading holster/explosive light or lasting impact – A more traditional roll for a rocket that doesn't really make it unique.

Land preparer/demolisher – A way to get more ammo reserves and also a second rocket after a grenade throw. Again, sort of a standard.

I will Presage (Sword of Stasis)

Relentless Strikes/Cold Steel, Whirlwind or Surrounded – Look man, I don’t know what to tell you, legendary swords are pretty boring, and now we have Ergo Sum so…

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