
Department of Homeland Security launches campaign to combat online grooming and abuse

NORTH TEXAS – The Department of Homeland Security reported an alarming 36.2 million cases of suspected child exploitation last year, more than double the 16.9 million cases reported in 2019.

DHS called this an “unimaginable problem” that demands immediate action – particularly in North Texas.

The Case of Phillip Jay Curlett

During a recent visit to DHS, the CBS News Texas I-Team gained rare access to disturbing evidence from recent sex trafficking cases in North Texas, including the case involving Phillip Jay Curlett, a 34-year-old trafficker arrested last July during an extended stay. hotel near Six Flags in Arlington.

“He was a trafficker who operated in North Texas as well as other neighboring states for over a decade,” said Special Agent John Perez. Perez heads the North Texas Human Trafficking Unit, a division of Homeland Security.

Court documents say Curlett operated in North Texas and surrounding states for more than a decade, forcing several victims to join a human trafficking organization.

They detail the brutality of Curlett's actions, which agents say included brutal beatings and coercing victims, including minors, to generate sexual income for him. Officer Perez says Curlett did not discriminate on the basis of age or gender, which makes his crimes even more heinous.

“He was violent, he trafficked women and children. He didn't discriminate. Age didn't matter to him.”

Agent Perez told the I-Team: “Some of these hotels we see are pretty good… but the businessmen are buying sex. Where are they staying? In the high-end hotels downtown -city of Dallas, to the Star, to South Lake, Frisco, Collin County, Denton County, Tarrant and Dallas.

Perez said traffickers target all neighborhoods and locations.

According to court documents, Curlett manipulated his victims through false promises and threats. One victim described meeting Curlett on a dating app, believing she was starting a romantic relationship; however, agents say Curlett quickly coerced her into trafficking using violence and drugs to maintain control.

Special Agent Perez described how traffickers, such as Curlett, exploit the vulnerabilities of their victims, often targeting those with unstable living conditions or who have already experienced trauma. Psychological manipulation and physical abuse create a cycle of dependence and fear, making it extremely difficult for victims to escape.

According to court documents, Curlett is now appealing his case. The I-Team has reached out to his attorney multiple times for comment; however, his lawyer did not respond.

This case is part of a broader trend of sex trafficking that affects various aspects of society, including the hospitality industry and digital platforms. The involvement of low-end and high-end hotels and the use of online advertisements for commercial sex illustrate the complex and multi-layered nature of these operations.

“Victims, not prostitutes”

DHS has changed its approach to handling these cases, recognizing victims as individuals in need of compassion rather than criminals. This change is reflected in the creation of “soft interview rooms” designed to provide a supportive environment for victims. These rooms, equipped with comfortable furniture and a calming ambiance, mark a significant departure from the cold, steel interrogation rooms of the past.

Evidence from individual cases has played a crucial role in changing perceptions. Artwork seized from a Plano trafficker depicted women as objects trapped for money, highlighting the dehumanizing nature of sex trafficking.

“Look closely and you will see the repetition of some very common symbols: dollar signs, money, watches, jewelry. Women are objects hanging from webs, entangled. Caught, controlled and trapped for money,” Perez emphasized.

The visuals helped law enforcement and the public understand the serious exploitation involved.

Victims and traffickers in Texas

In the cases examined by the I-Team, the average length of time a victim spent in exploitation was 341 days, or nearly a year.

Since 2018, the North Texas Human Trafficking Task Force has made 349 felony arrests, with sentences ranging from 12 life sentences to 360 months until parole.

“I hope that when traffickers see these 30-year prison sentences, 12 of which are life sentences, it will deter them and make them think twice,” Perez said.

Despite these efforts, Perez says the problem remains pervasive, with traffickers making up to $200,000 a week and continually exploiting their victims online.

Nationwide, defendants in sex trafficking cases range in age from 19 to 76, highlighting the diverse backgrounds of those involved in these crimes.

“To give you an idea of ​​how big the problem is at any given time, within a 50-mile radius covering virtually most of the DFW area, more than 10,000 sex ads will be posted per day,” Perez said. .

“And if we expand that and cover a month and truly cover the top four counties, we're talking over a million ads per month here.”

In particular, the I-Team learned that 31% of victims are minors, often lured online and then sold online. These figures illustrate the extent of sex trafficking networks and the urgent need for comprehensive intervention strategies.

“Sex trafficking in North Texas is a major problem. Sex trafficking worldwide is only second in illicit revenue behind drug trafficking. The biggest difference between human trafficking and drug trafficking is that I can only sell a kilo of narcotics so many times before it is seized or consumed…I can sell a human being over and over and over and over and over.

Know2Protect campaign

In response, DHS launched Know2Protect, a new campaign. The campaign highlights the crucial need for awareness and proactive measures. As the I-Team investigation reveals, the harrowing details and evidence of these cases underscore the urgency of continued vigilance and support for victims. Know2Protect is a step toward addressing these issues, but continued efforts and community participation are essential to make a significant impact.

The campaign aims to address these challenges through a multi-faceted approach. By partnering with tech companies and sports leagues, the campaign seeks to leverage broad platforms to disseminate information on crime prevention and reporting. Collaboration with Meta, Google and Snap is particularly crucial, given the role of social media and online platforms in the grooming and exploitation of victims.

The campaign also aims to provide resources to victims and survivors, ensuring they have access to the support needed to rebuild their lives. This includes legal assistance, counseling services and educational resources to help them escape from exploitative situations.

For more information about the Know2Project and resources for crime prevention and reporting, visit

More resources

As the I-Team's investigations reveal, the harrowing details and evidence of these cases underscore the urgency of continued vigilance and support for victims. The disturbing nature of the evidence, including images and documents detailing abuse and exploitation, highlights the serious impact these crimes have on the lives of victims.

For those interested in volunteering, donating, and/or learning more about sex trafficking in the United States, visit one of the following sites:


Genesis Women’s Shelter and Support

Mosaic Family Services

New friends, new life

  • For more information on donations, click here.
  • For more information on a guided educational charter bus tour discussing the reality of sex trafficking in Dallas, click here.

North Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking

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