
Dear Coleen: Our 29-year-old daughter still acts like a spoiled teenager

Dear Coleen,

My daughter is 29 and lives 70 miles away with her partner and their one-year-old daughter. My problem is that she treats me like an irritating parent who she doesn't like very much but has to put up with.

She is an only child, and when she was growing up, my husband and I worked hard and made enormous sacrifices to give her everything she could need or want.

I admit that she has probably been spoiled in some ways and we seem to be paying the price. She ruled the roost while living at home and we often ended up walking on eggshells to avoid a meltdown.

She has little respect for me or her father and always talks to us like she's an angry teenager. When I call her because I love her and want to know how she's doing, she acts like I'm intervening.

We've been to visit them several times since our granddaughter was born, which was nice, but my daughter has never come to see us. It got to the point where I gave up on planning things with her.

I don't know what we did wrong to make her so mean. Everything must always happen on his terms. Even though we love his partner very much, I don't know why he doesn't stand up to him. I'm sure he would appreciate us being more involved.

It's tricky because I don't want to shake things up too much in case she stops us from seeing our granddaughter. I'm at a loss.

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