
D&D: Five of the Weirdest Weapons in 5E

Magic weapons are a staple of D&D, especially 5E. But these five weapons are some of the strangest you'll find in any book.

Magic weapons are a staple of fantasy adventures. And especially in D&D, where do they expect you to shine with magic weapons by the time you reach level 5. You might have a sword that can cut off an enemy's head with a single swing. Or… you might end up with one of those weirder magical weapons.

Devotee's censer

For starters, it's a magical plague. Which is quite rare in D&D, where most weapons are broadswords, halberds, or hand crossbows. The Devotee's Censer is a scourge filled with incense. Not only does it deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage, but it can also emit a cloud of incense up to 10 feet. You and all other creatures in the incense regain 1d4 hit points at the start of each turn.

This means you'll heal enemies and friends, but hey, when you're a Paladin, that's just how you roll.

Whip of Shadows

Taken from Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, the Lash of Shadows is one of the strangest magical weapons there is. It is a sentient magic whip that was touched by Zehir, an evil snake god. It is also inhabited by a marilith. As a result, he is short-tempered and only experiences extreme emotions, being happiest when he does harm.

Which is weird enough to begin with. But when you whip someone with it, you can poison someone (assuming they fail their save). You will have four options to choose from in total, but you can only use each option once per day.

Althemone Slingshots

When was the last time you looked twice at magic ammo, let alone slingshot ammo? But here we are. One of the best but most unusual magic items introduced in Mythical Odysseys of TherosThese slingshot balls have a variety of different effects.

  • Banishment – ​​A creature hit by this bullet must be saved or be banished
  • Thunderstorm – Creatures hit by these bullets take an additional 2d8 lightning damage, creatures within 10 feet must make a save or take 1d8 thunder damage.
  • Stun – These bullets deal an additional 1d10 force damage and stun their targets until the end of your next turn.
  • Tracking – These bullets mark creatures with a glowing rune that will allow you to track a creature for 24 hours.

Command of the Fish Trident

It's a magic trident. While you're holding it, you can order fish. Or any other beast with innate swimming speed. If that's not weird enough for you, I don't know what else to tell you.

Dyrrn's Tentacle Whip

Finally, we come to Dyrrn's Tentacle Whip. This is one of the strangest ones yet. It is a symbiotic weapon, a living creature that has been weaponized by the Dal Quori of Eberron. After painfully pushing tendrils into your arm, you obtain a magical whip.

It deals an additional 1d6 psychic damage and stuns targets for a natural total of 20. Additionally, you can tuck the whip into your arm. As long as you are sensitive to it, of course. But you can't opt ​​out of it voluntarily. You have a symbiote now and forever until death do you part.

What are your favorite examples of strange weapons in 5E?

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