
Dad's Hilarious Viral Video Gives Tips on Parenting Teens

Parenting teenagers is truly in a class of its own, and it seems that Chip Leighton, comedian and father, has really struck a chord by sharing his rules on what not to do as a father of teenagers constantly embarrassed.

Her seven-part collection titled “Things You Shouldn’t Do If You Have Teenagers” has been viewed millions of times on Instagram with similar results on TikTok.

His observational humor, pointing out some of the ridiculous things that embarrass teenagers, is very on point.

Chip Leighton has gone viral on TikTok for his hilarious parenting advice. TikTok / @the_leighton_show

“Don’t bring out a tray of food.”

“Okay, first of all, don’t bring a plate of food when they have friends over,” Chip begins his latest viral Instagram list.

“It’s way too much effort and it seems a bit desperate.” Next, you have to (not) talk to your children's friend.

“If you're driving them somewhere in the car, don't say hello or greet them in any way. Be careful if you look in the rearview mirror, as they might think you are looking at them. Remember, you're just an anonymous Uber driver.

Leighton's amusing video listed a list of parenting tips for dealing with teenagers. Facebook / Chip Leighton

Chip's hilarious list of rules continues with the fact that you never let your teenagers see you running, because it could cause them permanent psychological damage.

“I don’t care if it’s raining hard or if you’re trying to catch a shuttle to the airport. Seeing this will hurt them more than watching the solar eclipse, and obviously if you trip and fall they will need a lot of therapy.

“It’s super scary.”

Chips' fourth point is to never smile at a baby when in the company of a teenager.

“This is super scary, literally stop,” the comic deadpans.

Last on his list is the crime of bringing your own chair to a sporting event.

Leighton highlighted funny anecdotes about parenting her own teenagers in her video. Facebook / Chip Leighton

“It draws too much attention to yourself. So either sit in the stands or stand despite the debilitating back pain it causes.

The comments from Chips fans are hilarious.

“I brought a tray of cookies to my son and his friends, while trying to walk away without making eye contact,” one mother said.

“I tripped over one of their shoes and fell in one of them… My son will NEVER let me forget it and I am scarred for life.” »

“My daughter was mortified.”

Another mom recounts the cutting words of her teenage son: “My son told me a snack tray was for toddlers! »

On the subject of talking to your teenage friends, many commenters could relate.

Leighton's witty advice inspired hilarious comments from other parents. TikTok / @the_leighton_show

“I made the mistake of asking my teenager's friend how her spring break was while driving her home,” one mother said.

“I thought we had a nice conversation. My daughter was apparently mortified!

“I was told I was too ‘talkative’ when driving the kids and their friends,” another parent said.

“Obviously there were text messages in the vehicle like, 'Why is your mom talking to me?'”

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