
Dad Shares Hilarious Texts From Teenagers In “Greatest Hits” Reel – InspireMore

Teenagers in the age of technology rely on phones, text messaging, TikTok, and all things Internet. As a parent, sometimes, most family communications come in the form of texts from teenagers. While not ideal, they do keep those lines of communication open between parents and children. The Leighton family has presented some of the hilarity that happens via text messaging in various Facebook reels.

In a text from one of the kids to Dad, the teen asks, “Bruh. When does my social security number expire?” As adults, we know that doesn't happen until you kick the proverbial bucket, but perhaps no one explained that to this generation.

In two separate texts, obviously to Mom, an anxious teen begs for mercy. The first, “My friends are almost here — make sure dad stays in the basement,” clearly states that Dad can be embarrassing without saying the quiet part aloud. The second totally outs Dad as a complete embarrassment: “Please don't send Dad. I’m too tired to be embarrassed.”

Image from Facebook.

You may sense the reigning message that parents are embarrassing. You're on the right track. In the Leighton family, Dad seems to be more embarrassing than Mom. I always thought that a parent's primary job was embarrassing their children. In that respect, the Leightons seem to be winning.

In other texts from the Leighton teenagers, we see, “You can pick me up now just park where no one can see you.” School functions, after-school activities, and going to friends' homes can lead to embarrassing scenarios. When it came time to provide a dish for a potluck gathering, their teen sent, “Don't bring homemade. We don’t need to look like pilgrims.”

Parents, go forth and embarrass your teens. It's your job.

You can find the source of this story's featured image here.

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