
Czech President Babiš criticised for alleged alignment with pro-Russian forces – Euractiv

Former Czech Prime Minister and leader of the opposition ANO party Andrej Babiš has come under fire for recent political maneuvers that critics say align him with pro-Russian interests.

The controversy erupted following the announcement of a new political alliance, “Patriots for Europe”, which Babiš unveiled with Austrian far-right leader Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (Fidesz).

While Orbán continues to block EU aid to Ukraine and maintains ties with Moscow, Kickl claims that Russia and NATO are responsible for the invasion of Ukraine and that the sanctions imposed against Russia are a violation of Austrian neutrality.

Babiš defended the new coalition and positioned it as pro-European.

“Orbán's visit (to Ukraine on Tuesday) demonstrates that he is a true pro-European politician, who prioritizes the cessation of violence and war,” Babiš said on X.

He also referred to the ongoing negotiations to form the “Patriots for Europe” group in the European Parliament and expressed hope that it would be launched next week.

However, these claims have been met with criticism. Veronika Vrecionová, an MEP from the ruling Czech Civic Democrats (ODS, ECR), rejected Babiš's description of the alliance as pro-European.

“It is funny how desperately Babiš is trying to sell this as proof that his new group is not pro-Russian. I have not seen any change in the position of Fidesz or the FPÖ on aid to Ukraine. We will never stop repeating: Patriots for Europe is in fact ‘Russia, everything for you’,” Vrecionová wrote on X.

Ondřej Krutílek, another ODS MEP, called the emerging grouping the “Coalition for Rejecting Aid to Ukraine.” He criticized the leaders for their naive belief that stopping arms supplies to Ukraine would lead to peace. “This is a dangerously simplistic and historically ignorant position. Appeasing the aggressors has never brought peace,” he said.

Jan Farský, a newly elected MEP from the STAN party (EPP), expressed his deep concern about this alliance. “It is more dangerous than I had anticipated,” he wrote on X.

According to media reports, the alliance could be joined by Italian and Portuguese far-right parties, namely Lega and Chega (both currently members of the ID). However, to become an official group in the European Parliament, it will need to include MEPs from at least seven countries.

Czech media reported that the French far-right National Rally (ID) party could join the new alliance.

(Aneta Zachová |

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