
Cultivating Kindness and Nurturing Youth Mental Health

In the midst of a youth mental health crisis, characterized by increasing rates of anxiety, depression and loneliness, it has never been more important to foster supportive communities, authentic connections and a culture of kindness . The Surgeon General of the United States warns that loneliness has reached epidemic proportions, affecting individuals of all ages, but perhaps most alarmingly, our children and youth. Meaningful social connections have been shown to have a protective effect on mental and physical health. Practicing kindness can also catalyze youth mental health development, build resilient communities, and foster a sense of belonging and purpose.

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The statistics regarding loneliness among adolescents and young adults paint a sobering picture. According to recent studies, teens spent nearly 70% less time with their friends in person in 2020 than in 2003, dropping to just 40 minutes per day. Young adults are nearly twice as likely as people over 65 to feel lonely. Among Gen Z, a staggering 73% reported feeling alone all the time or sometimes, indicating a widespread and deeply felt sense of isolation among today's youth. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a 2022 report highlighting a sharp decline in adolescent mental health, with 42% of high school students reporting persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. Mental health issues were worse among BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and economically disadvantaged youth.

These statistics highlight the urgent need to tackle the epidemic of loneliness, particularly among young people, the effects of which can be profound and long-lasting. Kindness, community and purpose are part of the answer.

Building authentic relationships around a purpose: the heart of community

Building genuine connections with others is at the heart of combatting loneliness. Authentic relationships are the foundation of resilient communities, providing a sense of connection and belonging essential to mental health and well-being. Developing meaningful connections around important issues is a great way for young people to come together and build a like-minded community and a sense of belonging and purpose. It goes beyond simple social interaction and aims to foster relationships based on trust, empathy, kindness and making a difference in the world. Cultivating a sense of purpose can make you happier and healthier. The goal goes beyond a single volunteer activity. It is a commitment to something greater.

Young leaders coming together to make a difference in something they care about allows them to be together, form meaningful friendships, and be part of something bigger than themselves. A perfect example is Isabella Hanson, a Call For Kindness Fellow who used the power of artistic expression to bring teens together, build community, and find purpose after the murder of George Floyd. “The death of George Floyd inspired me to launch the I Matter poetry and art competition, providing students around the world a space to express their deep feelings through a collective medium. I Matter creates space for youth advocacy through the lens of kindness. The I Matter poetry competition allowed teens to express complex feelings of sadness, anger, and hope and, more importantly, to come together in community so they don't feel so alone.

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Providing more opportunities for young people to lead in their schools and communities strengthens both community and purpose. Nonprofit organizations and youth programs have a unique role to play in providing opportunities to elevate youth voices. As part of his opinion on mental health, American surgeon Vivek H. Murthy specifically suggests that community organizations and foundations should include more spaces for young people to lead and actively participate in decision-making through youth advisory boards and active programmatic decision-making and evaluation. .

Maintain a culture of compassion and cultivate kindness

At its core, kindness embodies the essence of human connection. Acts of kindness, big or small, have the power to bridge gaps between people. Knowing that you are not alone in the world and that you can work with others to make things better is empowering. And kindness has a superpower: it can make you happy. However, a 2023 report released by the Born This Way Foundation found that fewer than half of middle and high school students felt part of a caring community — and that number is declining. With so many young people lacking a caring community at school, organizations and causes outside of school can play a vital role in building that sense of belonging and purpose by cultivating caring communities.

Youth gather at Riley's Way Foundation for kindness leadership retreat

Source: Riley's Way Foundation

The best part is, kindness is contagious. When people see or experience acts of kindness, they are more likely to be kind themselves. This makes it the ideal antidote to combating the youth mental health epidemic. It can serve as a catalyst for building and strengthening relationships and fostering an individual's sense of purpose – all important ingredients for happiness. Through acts of kindness, like lending a listening ear, offering words of encouragement, or simply being there for each other, we build bonds of trust and empathy that transcend the barriers of loneliness and isolation . By prioritizing kindness in our interactions with others, we create spaces where young people feel seen, heard, and valued for who they are.

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Empowering young people to cultivate and kindly direct their daily lives is transformative. By teaching empathy, active listening and the value of diversity, we equip young people with the tools and skills they need to make meaningful connections and support each other through life's challenges. Through initiatives that promote kindness and community engagement, we can empower young people to become agents of change in their own lives and the lives of others.

The loneliness epidemic poses a significant threat to the wellbeing of our young people, with far-reaching implications for their physical, emotional and social health. However, by prioritizing building meaningful connections and practicing kindness, we can begin to address this pervasive problem. At its core, kindness is the currency of compassion – the act of extending grace, empathy, and support to others without expecting anything in return. In the context of youth mental health, acts of kindness are a powerful antidote to the feelings of isolation and hopelessness that often accompany mental illness.

As we confront the mental health crisis facing young people today, it is clear that a paradigm shift is needed – one that prioritizes kindness, empathy and human connections as essential elements of mental health care. Practicing kindness is a powerful force for change, promoting healing, connection, and resilience. By creating environments where kindness is celebrated and supported, we create spaces where young people feel valued, supported and empowered to meet life's challenges with grace and compassion. As we look to the future, let us remember that small acts of kindness can be powerful and make a big difference—in the lives of individuals, in the social fabric of our communities, and in the collective journey toward mental health and The well-being.

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“A world fueled by love is a world where we are kind to each other, where we are generous. This is a world where we value friendships…We heal by the love we give and the love we receive. And when you realize that, you realize that we are all healers, and this is a time when the world needs more healers. American surgeon Vivek H. Murthy, 2023 (CNN).

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