
Cross-contamination and infection risks identified at Cratloe nursing home

An inspection of a care home in south-east Clare has identified risks of cross-contamination and infection for patients.

The Health Information and Quality Authority found that although Cratloe Care Home has taken steps to address previously observed hazards, it is still not fully compliant in several areas.

HIQA inspectors visited Cratloe Nursing Home, located in Gallows Hill, Cratloe, on 29 February this year.

Following the inspectors' last visit, non-compliances were identified in the areas of premises and fire precautions, but the report notes that action has since been taken “to address some of the potential safety risks”.

Infection control was found to be an area of ​​concern, as open-top bins were observed in most rooms, posing a risk of cross-contamination, while a bedpan disinfection machine was found to be “rusty, in poor condition and not working”.

As a result, infection prevention and control practices at the facility were found to be non-compliant with national standards.

The report also refers to issues in the area of ​​governance and management, saying that inspectors found “disparities between the high levels of compliance reported in a number of the centre's audits and the inspectors' findings in these service areas during the inspection”.

In both the areas of infection control and governance and management, the facility was found to be non-compliant, while it was found to be marginally compliant in the areas of staff training and development, records, service contract, premises, fire precautions and protection.

The provider, Cosgrave Nursing Consultancy, has pledged to rectify any issues identified, saying, for example, that open-top bins have been replaced with covered bins “to ensure all bins are covered to prevent cross-contamination and transmission of infections”.

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