
Creep caught biting young boy's ear in viral video identified as 43-year-old forklift driver

The creepy guy caught biting a young boy's ear during a British World Snooker Championship match has been identified as a 43-year-old forklift driver – and a relative of the unidentified youngster.

Stefano Voci, who was visiting the boy and his family in Sheffield, said he was just being affectionate. It's unclear exactly what her relationship is with the boy, but it's simply family.

“There's a lot of clarification to be made but it's all a work in progress,” Voci said on Facebook, according to a Daily Mail report. “I was just someone sharing love and affection like anyone else (and) it was exposed in a malicious way.”

In the viral clip, the boy doesn't even flinch when Voci leans over and bites him — with the encounter broadcast live in the arena and the child seen waving at the camera, the outlet said.

Viral moment that nibbles the ears.
Stefano Voci went viral when he was caught nibbling a boy's ear during a British snooker match – but he says he was just being affectionate with the youngster, who is a relative. TaraBull/X

Voci appears to realize that he is being filmed and gives what appears to be a somber and embarrassed look.

But it was too late: the video has been viewed more than 12 million times and 58,000 likes online, with social media users expressing their horror at the seemingly inappropriate encounter.

“Stay away from snooker, there is a man floating and chewing on ears,” one X user wrote.

Another user called the clip “one of the most disturbing things I've seen on here.”

“This is very disturbing,” said another. “I just threw up.”

Stefano Voci, 43, from Milan.
Stefano Voci, 43, from Milan, said people were taking too much advantage of his viral ear-nibbling moment with a relative. Daily Mail Online

Voci said everything was blown out of proportion.

“My family is doing well and closer than ever,” he wrote on Facebook. “I don’t care if my face is all over social media with photomontages and face posts. Leave my family alone.

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