
Cop fired after slamming black teen's face to ground and dragging him in places

An Ohio police officer was fired after body camera footage showed him violently arresting a 14-year-old black teenager for a pedestrian traffic violation, according to WCMH.

Ex-Columbus officer's arrest Donovan Bevera second unnamed officer, and the black teenager came forward on February 19.

Officers first approached a group of teenagers who were reportedly lingering on the street at a crosswalk near an apartment complex. After the teens attempted to flee from the officers, an officer pursued them on foot while Bever pursued them in a police vehicle.

Bever's partner grabbed two of the teens and ordered them to the ground with his gun drawn. When Bever arrived on scene, the officer grabbed one of the teens by the kidneys and slammed his face into the ground.

Bever then handcuffed the teenager and violently searched his pockets. Police say Bever also punched the teen in the groin during his arrest.

The boy repeatedly told the officer, “I’m sorry” and “I obey.”

“You move, I’ll smash your face,” Bever said at one point during his arrest.

After the search, Bever dragged the 14-year-old by his buttocks into the back of his police car.

“You have AIDS? » Bever asked the teenager.

Columbus Police Chief Elaine Bryant condemned the police for their unnecessary use of force.

“I was angry, disappointed, upset,” Columbus Police Chief Elaine Bryant said of the arrest. “That’s not what we reflect as the Columbus Police Division. The majority of our agents have excellent relationships with our community.

Bever was placed on leave shortly after his arrest. He was officially fired from the department on June 10.

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