
Cooper Roberts' Mother Shares Update Two Years After Highland Park Parade Shooting – NBC Chicago

The mother of Cooper Roberts, a 10-year-old boy paralyzed after being shot in the 2022 Highland Park parade shooting, is providing an update on her journey as the family approaches two years since the tragedy.

“I’m aware of it every day,” Keely Roberts said. “It’s painful, it’s different, it’s never going to go away.”

Roberts and his son were among 48 people injured in the shooting that also left seven dead.

Cooper and his twin brother celebrated their birthday last week.

“He's doing as well as you could hope for,” Roberts said. “I'm really impressed with his ability to stay positive, stay happy and stay Cooper.”

But Roberts admits this summer has been difficult for Cooper, not being able to do what he used to do.

“It’s an incredibly difficult road for him and I think this summer, as positive and optimistic as it was, was difficult for him to start adjusting,” Roberts said. “He’s really aware of what he’s lost.”

She is now focused on the well-being of her six children as they continue their journey. She and other survivors and victims' families were arraigned last month against the suspect, who rejected his plea deal.

His community is now preparing to welcome Sweet Home Highland Park on Independence Day this year.

The seven victims killed will be honored at a memorial service Thursday morning, followed by a parade that will leave from First Street and Laurel Avenue at 1 p.m.

“My family and I will not be attending the parade this year,” she said. “I honestly don’t know if we will ever be able to attend again.”

Roberts said she is doing her best to move forward with the immense love of friends, neighbors and strangers.

“The moral of this story for us will be that love wins, that good is stronger than evil,” she said.

His family is grateful for the community's support and said they are continuing to raise money on GoFundMe to renovate their home to make it more accessible for Cooper.

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