
Controversy intensifies around Pope Francis' alleged remarks on gay seminarians

Pope Francis has already expressed his doubts about the entry into the seminary of candidates with homosexual tendencies. In a 2018 book interview, he said those already ordained should consider the following:

Author, “The strength of vocation”
So what he said is that when there is a person who is homosexual and ordained, he requires that they meticulously practice celibacy. If he is unable to do so, it is better for him to leave the ministry or religious life rather than live a double life.

Earlier this month, during a meeting with Italian bishops, the pope reportedly used stronger terminology when saying he did not think it was prudent to admit candidates with a homosexual orientation to the seminary.

According to Italian media, the pope used a derogatory term, saying: “There are too many queers.” The meeting took place behind closed doors, which is how the Pope often addresses Italian bishops, without the presence of the media.

This is what happened during a meeting with the bishops in 2021.

Are there any journalists?
I do not think so. There are no journalists. It's just us, Holiness.
It's good. So I can speak freely.

There were no journalists, but Gualtiero Bassetti, then president of the Italian Bishops' Conference, may not have realized the meeting was being broadcast live. However, during his last meeting, the pope's alleged words were not confirmed by the Vatican. And since it was a closed meeting, there is no official transcript.


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