
Congregation holds Sunday service after fire rocks church in Claiborne County

SPRINGDALE, Tenn. (WATE) – For Springdale Baptist Church, even its building burning down didn't stop it from holding Sunday service.

“As a congregation, we are very optimistic in our faith and we know who we serve and what they are capable of doing, and we expect greater things to come from that,” Pastor Brandon Christian said.

With smoke still billowing from what many consider their second home, Christian said they will persevere.

“It’s our life and we’re so attached to it,” he said. “And we are very proud of the church and its commitment to this building. This morning was a great example: we had 108 people this morning and we didn't even have a building to gather in, so I'm very proud of our people.

Springdale Volunteer Fire Chief Matt Seals told 6 News they were able to save part of the building.

“We were able to save the community hall, and they have their Sunday school classroom and all the way down there, we were able to save that,” Seals said. “The initial starting point was the old stock exchange hall. Since then, they've been able to go there and do a thorough check, and you know the stock exchange room, the building that wasn't burned, which gave them quite a few clues as to what might have started all of this.

Although the fire broke the hearts of many in the congregation, they remained hopeful.

“I knew as soon as I walked through the doors that there was something special here. The spirit was strong here, and this is where I needed to be,” said church member James Parker. “It’s sad, but I can’t wait to see where we can go from here.”

Many area churches offered their space for them to gather, but a few years earlier, Springdale Baptist Church took over another location across the street where they held their service. With more than 100 people in attendance, Christian said they were going to rebuild.

“Obviously it was hard this morning to get over my emotions, but I'm glad the lord came and provided and we had a great time together in this house,” he said. “I was able to feel his spirit and be encouraged to move forward and rebuild it to make it bigger and better for things to come in our community.”

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