
Concerns raised over suspected mold on Socorro ISD campus

EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — Reports of black mold on a Socorro ISD middle school campus were reportedly dismissed after a group of teachers independently gathered and sent samples to a lab for testing.

The district said common mold was found at William D. Slider Middle School, but black mold was never detected. The district also says the school has been thoroughly cleaned and no mold has been reported since.

A former Slider Middle School teacher said that after an educator saw what appeared to be black mold in one of their classrooms in August 2023, he raised his concerns with administrators. When told the cabinets would be replaced by leaders, teachers collected and sent samples of Class 206 to Sun City Analytical Inc.

The test came back positive on August 16, 2023 for Stachybotrys mold, commonly known as black mold, according to a report obtained by KTSM.

KTSM's source said that when this information was communicated to the superintendent, he contacted the district.

The district then took its own samples of Class 208 at the Eurofins laboratory on Aug. 22, 2023, where analysis identified the substance as Aspergillus/Penicillium, better known as common mold, according to a report obtained by KTSM.

Our source, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals, said: “I had joint pain and my hands were swollen. I felt exhausted, brain fog, like I was forgetting what I was saying in the middle of teaching. Other people felt burning skin, itchy skin, same thing, brain fog. The children were coughing.

A Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center pulmonology doctor said symptoms of black mold exposure resemble increased allergies for some and could be more serious for others with underlying respiratory or health problems.

“Some people may have a cough, shortness of breath or mild chest tightness, particularly if they have an underlying respiratory illness. It’s all about removing yourself from the situation and then trying to treat the problem,” said Dr. Patrick Kicker.

KTSM contacted SISD which said in a statement:

“Possible mold has been reported in a limited area of ​​Slider Middle School. The district tested the substance and the presence of common mold was confirmed. Black mold was not detected. At that time, our maintenance team thoroughly cleaned the rooms, repainted surfaces with mold-resistant paint, replaced all cabinets, changed air filters, and cleaned the HVAC systems that serve the affected rooms. Parents and employees have been informed of the report and the steps taken to remedy the situation. Since then, no cases of mold have been reported.

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