
Columbus man sentenced to 93 months in prison for illegal gun possession

Columbus, Ohio – Lamonte K. Brown, a 47-year-old Columbus resident, was sentenced to 93 months in federal prison for illegally possessing a firearm as a previously convicted felon, according to U.S. District Court records .

Court documents reveal that Brown, who has more than 20 prior adult convictions, including firearms and domestic violence offenses, was found to be in possession of a firearm while on parole. Additionally, he sent threatening messages accompanied by a photo of the firearm to an individual, stating, “When I get off parole I'm going to turn on your block.” The firearm was discovered stored in a plastic bag under his kitchen sink, along with more than nine grams of methamphetamine.

Brown was initially charged in a federal criminal complaint in August 2022, then pleaded guilty in September 2023. However, he later attempted to withdraw his plea, leading to several court hearings. Despite his efforts, the Court ultimately denied Brown's motion to withdraw his guilty plea.

The sentencing highlights the serious consequences of illegal firearm possession, particularly for people with prior criminal convictions. Brown's case highlights ongoing concerns about guns and criminal activity in communities, prompting law enforcement agencies to continue monitoring and enforcing the law.

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