
Colorado teen needs help after home destroyed by lightning-started fire

CARR, Colo. — At just 19 years old, Chas Mosby thought his life had finally begun. He started renting his first home in Carr, about 90 miles north of Denver, in early June. But just a few weeks later, his dream was gone in a flash.

“We heard a big boom,” Mosby said.

While changing the oil on a car with several of his friends, the group noticed a thunderstorm approaching. After hearing a lightning strike, Mosby and his friends went outside and noticed a fire in the nearby brush.

Immediately, Mosby began moving cars out of his garage while his friends poured buckets of water from a nearby well onto the flames. Unfortunately, the well water quickly dried up and the flames set Mosby's house on fire.

Mosby was able to get back into his home to turn off the propane tank and avoid an even more dangerous situation. As the fire raged, the teen said he could hear propane tanks stored behind the house begin to explode.

“I didn't see anything,” Mosby said. “I just heard the tanks shooting.”

Firefighters from both Wyoming and Colorado were called to the scene of the blaze. Crews worked for more than 10 hours, partly because of the lack of hydrants near the home.

“This place was perfect for me,” Mosby said. “I hadn’t been here long, but I already had so many memories here.”

Chas Mosby

Chas Mosby with his parents the day he moved into his house in Carr.

Mosby said he had planned to buy the house from the owner once he had saved enough money. That dream is now even more distant.

In addition to losing his home, Mosby lost his car repair tools. He estimates the loss at nearly $30,000. The teenager was able to save only his truck, some money and the clothes on his back.

“I can't get anything back. It's literally all gone,” Mosby said.

Denver7 Gives is raising money to help Mosby get back on his feet. To donate, visit Denver7 Gives and select “Help Chas After His House Fire” from the drop-down menu.

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