
Colchester drug dealer jailed after exploiting teenager

When arrested, 20-year-old Tommy Minton was found to be carrying drugs, cash and the cell phone used to run the 'Cody' drug line.

Specialist drug agents from the Operation Raptor team had long been building intelligence against the “Cody” line, led by Minton and operating between January and October 2023.

Appearing for sentencing on Thursday, Ipswich Crown Court was told he ran a “particularly well-oiled and planned operation”.

In October 2023, officers were investigating the disappearance of a vulnerable teenager when they received information that he may be staying at a hotel in Colchester.

He was found in a room at the address with a suspected quantity of heroin, crack cocaine and cash.

The boy was taken into custody and protective measures were put in place.

Hours later, officers were called back to the hotel to report that Minton was trying to gain access to the same room.

He was stopped and caught carrying cash, wrappers of Class A drugs, a scale and the 'Cody' phone.

The Essex Police investigation established that Minton used the teenager to carry out the risky and often dangerous work of delivering drugs to customers.

We further discovered marketing messages advertising the sale of Class A drugs from phones linked to Minton.

Minton was charged with and admitted being concerned in the supply of heroin and crack cocaine, possession with intent to supply heroin and crack cocaine and a modern slavery offence.

He was sentenced to six years and nine months' imprisonment.

County Lines gangs make money by exploiting vulnerable people, including children, to do their dirty work.

Detective Andrew Kirkpatrick, officer handling the case, said: “As is so often the case, drug dealers looking to sell these extremely harmful substances turn to those they can easily exploit.

“We'll see it through peek-a-boo, a practice where these dealers will arrange for a drug user's home to be used as a base of operations, or even take over completely.

“We also see examples like Minton, where children are brought on board – often with false promises of wealth or status – and tasked with carrying or transporting drugs and cash.

“The most vulnerable take the risk, for no reward, and this is a very sad reality of class A drug trafficking in the UK.

“We have worked hard to ensure this exploitation, which falls under the Modern Slavery Act, forms part of the case against Minton.

“He had no choice but to admit his shameful actions because of the extensive evidence gathered against him. »

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