
Coinbase Unveils Weapon to Track Real-World Blockchain Adoption


Coinbase, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, has ignited a storm in the world of blockchain analysis. In a move that could reshape how we measure network health, they proposed an entirely new metric: the H-index.

Distortion of blockchain adoption metrics

Traditionally, metrics like daily transactions have been the holy grail for assessing blockchain adoption. However, these were easily manipulated by malicious actors creating fake accounts (Sybil attacks) or projects flooding users with free tokens (airdrops) to inflate activity. The result? A distorted image that masked the true engagement of users.

Sybil attacks involve the creation of multiple fake identities or nodes to take control of a network, influence its operations, or manipulate metrics such as transaction volume. These attacks can artificially inflate user counts and transaction counts, giving a misleading impression of real activity and adoption. Similarly, airdrops, while intended to distribute tokens and promote user engagement, can lead to inflated metrics if not carefully managed.

Projects often use airdrops to attract users, but this can also attract individuals looking to exploit these freebies by creating multiple accounts, further skewing the metrics used to measure blockchain adoption.

A new strategy

Introducing the H-Index, a useful tool for assessing blockchain activity. Unlike simply counting active addresses, the H-Index takes into account both the number of addresses and the diversity of senders using them.

The total crypto market cap is closing in on $2.5 trillion. Chart: TradingView

For example, a network with 100 addresses but only one sender would not score well on the H-index, because it values ​​a diverse ecosystem in which users send and receive funds from each other.

Coinbase H Index Analysis

So, who are the current champions of this new metric? According to Coinbase analysis, Ethereum, the undisputed king of blockchains, still reigns supreme. But here's the plot twist: Base, Coinbase's layer 2 solution for Ethereum, has become a close competitor. That might trigger accusations of bias, but it also poses the challenge: Can other networks adapt and innovate to keep pace?

Coinbase acknowledges that the H Index is not a silver bullet. Different blockchain architectures and the influence of large wallets can further skew the data. But it is an important step towards a more honest and holistic view of blockchain adoption. The new blockchain tracking tool aims to clean up the data flow, giving us a clearer view of the exciting world of blockchain innovation.

Featured image from Getty Images, chart from TradingView

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