
City-County Council votes to lower speed limits in near-East neighborhoods

INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis councilors hope a new speed limit of 25 miles per hour will reduce dangerous driving on the city's near east side.

The city-county council approved the change at Monday's meeting. The 25 mph speed limit will come into effect on several sections of neighborhood streets:


  • Between Dorman Street, 10th Street, Oriental Avenue and Michigan Street
  • Between 10th Street, Rural Street, Brookside Avenue and Pogue's Run
  • Between Tecumseh Street, 10th Street, Rural Street and Michigan Street
  • Between Rural Street, Brookside Parkway, Sherman Drive and 10th Street
  • Between Sherman Drive, Michigan Street, Emerson Avenue and New York Street

Councilman Jesse Brown represents the affected area and presented the slower speed proposal. He believes several recent accidents prove that the Middle East is becoming a dangerous place to travel.
“The Dunkin' Donuts on 10th Street was hit by a car this month. The Kan-Kan Theater was hit by a car last month. It's horrible,” Brown said. “I myself was hit while cycling on 16th Street, near my house. On 10th Street, I don't even ride a bike.”


Damage to a Dunkin' Donuts on 10th Street.

A car also recently crashed into a fence at the Methodist Church and School on East 10th Street.

Teacher Jean Casmir Hill said no one was injured, but children at the school were playing in the area where the car crashed.


A damaged fence outside the United Methodist Church and School on East 10th Street.

“I know we're all in a hurry to get somewhere and we all have a place to go, but we also need to keep people safe,” Casmir Hill said. “Drive like your kids live here.”

Brown hopes the new speed limits will mark the start of even greater safety improvements in his district.

“Investments in traffic lights, new sidewalks and protected bike lanes,” Brown said. “We want your grandmother to be able to walk her grandson down the street and be safe.”

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