
Chinese teenager charged with trying to import methamphetamine into Australia

Australian Federal Police have charged a 17-year-old Chinese boy with attempting to import 8 kilograms of methamphetamine into Australia after he was arrested in East Perth last week.

The teenager was taken into custody last Thursday after a joint investigation by the Australian Federal Police (AFP), Australian Border Force and Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department (HKCE).

On June 17, the HKCE intercepted 8kg of methamphetamine hidden in four stone statue bases bound for Western Australia.

Methamphetamine was found hidden in stone statue bases.(Provided by the Australian Federal Police)

The AFP executed a search warrant at an East Perth apartment, where they found 1kg of methamphetamine and evidence allegedly linked to the importation of a further 8kg, as well as scales and clip-lock bags.

The boy was charged with attempting to import a commercial quantity of a controlled drug across the border and trafficking a commercial quantity of a controlled drug.

He is due to appear in Perth Children's Court today.

The HKCE also seized an additional 4kg of methamphetamine and 500 grams of liquid methamphetamine in Hong Kong, charging a 27-year-old man with the drugs.

“Damage in all communities”

AFP Detective Sergeant Tom Blakeley said authorities were determined to dismantle international drug trafficking networks.

“These drug syndicates cause harm in every community where they operate, and this case is another example of the positive results that can be achieved through a united front of law enforcement,” he said.

“Methamphetamine is the second most commonly used illicit drug in Australia, and seizures in Hong Kong and here could represent around 90,000 individual street transactions.

“In Australia, an average of 27 people were admitted to hospital every day in 2021-22 for methamphetamine-related problems.

“We continue to work with the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department to identify all those involved in the attempted shipment of illicit drugs to Australia.”


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