
China warns Philippines against 'dangerous behavior' near disputed Sabina Reef

“[The Chinese coastguard] warned them in Chinese and English and reiterated China's indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Qundao, or Nansha Islands, including Xianbin Jiao, and their adjacent waters,” the report said.

The incident came on the eve of new regulations allowing China's coast guard to detain foreign nationals for up to 60 days if they enter the South China Sea, which China considers its territorial waters. Maritime observers expect Beijing to show restraint when it comes to implementing these guidelines.


Beijing denies Manila's claim that Chinese ships constitute 'artificial island' in South China Sea

Beijing denies Manila's claim that Chinese ships constitute 'artificial island' in South China Sea

Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson Zhang Xiaogang said it was “legitimate and reasonable” for China to enforce laws in the Spratly Islands, including the Sabina Reef and the Second Thomas Benchor Renai Jiao, which were “waters under Chinese jurisdiction” and China’s “inherent territory.”

Zhang added that Manila had “broken promises,” “played with fire” and escalated tensions.

“He concocted and spread disinformation about the Xianbin Reef in an attempt to cover up his violations and provocations,” Zhang said, referring to Manila's claim that Beijing was crushing coral reefs to create an “artificial island” on an unoccupied reef 75 nautical miles from the island of Palawan in the western Philippines.

In May, the Philippine coast guard said “only China” was responsible for the destruction of the reefs and promised to increase its presence on the shoals and islets of the South China Sea.

Manila also claimed that Beijing sent a hovercraft and an aircraft to conduct exercises in the waters, leading to the deployment of the main Philippine patrol ship, the BRP Teresa Magbanua, to monitor alleged “illegal activities.”

“Such behavior is like that of a thief shouting 'stop the thief' and fully shows that the Philippine side is undoubtedly the one undermining peace and creating instability,” Zhang said, adding that the Chinese army would continue to take all necessary countermeasures against the “dangerous” flights from Manila. and “escalating” measures.

China's new arrest rule has sparked strong protests in Manila. Defying Beijing's warnings, the Philippines' military chief on Thursday urged fishermen to continue fishing in the country's exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea.

“This is our message to our fishermen, that they should not be afraid but just continue their normal activities in our exclusive economic zone,” Philippine Armed Forces Chief Romeo Brawner said Friday. “We have the right to exploit the region's resources, so our fishermen have no reason to be afraid. »

Criticizing China's actions in the waters as baseless, opposition and fishing industry groups protested outside Beijing's consulate in Manila on Friday.

“The fishermen and the Filipino people will defy the order. It is China that should be held responsible as the intruder,” said Mong Palatino, secretary-general of the opposition Bayan Muna party-list group.

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