
China urges US to 'reflect' on nuclear weapons policy

“If that day comes, it will result in a determination that more nuclear weapons are necessary to deter our adversaries and protect the American people and our allies and partners. »

China responded by telling Russia's Tass news agency: “The United States must reflect on its behavior and commit to doing the right thing.”

“The United States should reduce the role of nuclear weapons in national and collective security policies and act responsibly for the well-being of the world.

“The United States has the largest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world. Despite everything, they cling to a nuclear policy of first resort, develop nuclear deterrence strategies against others and have invested massively in the modernization of their nuclear triad. [land, air and sea-based missiles]”.

The United States has 3,708 nuclear warheads and Russia has about 4,489, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.


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An existing agreement between the United States and Russia – which expires in February 2026 – limits each country to 1,550 deployed intercontinental strategic warheads.

China has not disclosed the size of its nuclear arsenal, but Washington estimates it has around 500 nuclear warheads.

During the discussions, the first of their kind in four years, the United States pressed China to increase its nuclear transparency and commitment to measures to manage strategic risks in multiple areas, including nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons. outer space.

Lu Xiang, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Vaddi's remarks contradicted comments by U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan at the same forum last year that “U.S. do not need to increase their nuclear forces to exceed the combined total.” of our competitors in order to successfully deter them.”

“This is a very worrying and very ineffective message,” Lu said. “I think the Chinese government will view this as a comment that adds negative elements to an already turbulent world.

“This message from the United States will prompt some countries to prepare to launch nuclear warheads, which will increase the risk the world faces.”

China's embassy in Washington said the country maintains its nuclear capabilities at the “minimum level required for national security” and is not participating in any form of arms race.

“As long as a country does not use nuclear weapons against China, it should not feel threatened by Chinese nuclear weapons,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry responded to Vaddi's comments by stating that “if the United States deploys more strategic nuclear weapons, Russia will.”


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Chong Ja Ian, professor of political science at the National University of Singapore, said: “Given information about the modernization and expansion of nuclear forces by China and Russia, as well as periodic threats from Russia to To use nuclear weapons as it continues its aggression against Ukraine, the United States should seek to acquire a more robust nuclear capability is not surprising even if its posture and strategy remain unchanged. »

Song Zhongping, a former instructor with the People's Liberation Army, said the United States wanted to drag China into nuclear weapons negotiations, but that would be “wishful thinking.”

“China’s nuclear weapons are only a fraction of those of the United States,” he said. “If negotiations on nuclear weapons are to take place, the United States and Russia should be the first to discuss them rather than blaming China. »

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